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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Assessment Methods:                            natural rubber; biosynthetic pathways, reaction types, and
               Practical:            30%                      mechanistic aspects (esp. enolate-carbonyl reactions and
               Continuous assessment:    20%                  biochemical cascades).
               Final examination:      50%
                                                              Assessment Methods:
               Medium of instruction:                         Continuous assessment:    30%
               English                                        Final examination:      70%

               References:                                    Medium of instruction:
                1. C. D. Harris, Exploring Chemical Analysis, 4  ed., W.H.   English
                 Freeman Publ, 2008.
                2. G. D. Christian, Analytical Chemistry, 7  ed., John Wiley   References:
                 & Sons, 2014.                                1. H. S. Stoker, General, Organic and Biological Chemistry,
                3. D. A. Skoog, F. J. Holler & S. R. Crouch, Principles of   5  ed., Brooks/Cole, 2010.
                 Instrumental  Analysis,  6   ed.,  Thomson  Brooks/Cole,   2. D.  Voet,  and  J.  G.  Voet,  Biochemistry.  3   ed.,  Wiley,
                 2007.                                         2004.
                4. D.  Harvey,  Modern  Analytical  Chemistry,  McGraw  Hill   3. Bu’Lock  and  B.  G.  Kurt  Kimia  Hasil  Semulajadi,  DBP,
                 Publ, 2000.                                   Kuala Lumpur.
                5. D. A. Skoog, D. M. West, F. J. Holler & S. R. Crouch,   4. J.  Mann,  Secondary  Metabolism,  2   ed.,  Oxford
                 Fundamentals  of  Analytical  Chemistry,  9   ed.,   University Press, 1987.
                 Brooks/Cole Publ, 2014.                      5. J.  Mann,  Chemical  Aspects  of  Biosynthesis,  Oxford
                                                               University Press, 1994.

               SIC3007  ELECTROSYNTHESIS                      SIC3009  NATURALPRODUCTS CHEMISTRY

               Electrosynthesis  in  industry  focus  on  the  synthesis  of   The influence of biosynthetic hypotheses and insights on
               organic  and  inorganic  chemicals;  aluminium  extraction,   the syntheses of steroids. Investigation of selected natural
               chloro-alkali  process  and  sodium  hydroxide.  Laboratory   products such as alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, lignans,
               techniques   related   to     electrochemistry;   glycosides.  Semiochemistry.  Separation  methods  for
               electropolymerisation,   electrochemical   impedance   natural  product  isolation.  Spectroscopic  methods  for
               spectroscopy,   electrocatalysis,   electroanalytical   and   structural elucidation of natural products.
               instrumentation,  quantities  and  qualitative  data  analysis
               from various techniques. The analysis method enables the   Assessment Methods:
               determination of redox potential in any compound.  Cyclic   Continuous assessment:    30%
               voltammetry  method  in  diagnosis  mechanism  will  be   Final examination:      70%
               introduced  such  as  E,  EC,  CE  or  ECE  reactions
               mechanism.                                     Medium of instruction:
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous assessment:    30%                  References:
               Final examination:      70%                    1. J.  Mann,  Secondary  Metabolism,  Clarendon  Press:
                                                               Oxford, 1995.
               Medium of instruction:                         2. P. M. Dewick, Medicinal Natural Products - A Biosynthetic
               English                                         Approach, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
                                                              3. E.Fattorusso,  O.  Taglialatela-Scafati,  Eds  Modern
               References:                                     Alkaloids  -  Structure,  Isolation,  Synthesis  and  Biology;
               1. C.  M.  A.  Brett  and  A.  M.  O.  Brett,  Electrochemistry   Wiley-VCH, 2008.
                 Principles, Methods and Applications, Oxford Uni. Press   4. J. H. Simpson, Organic Structure Determination Using 2-
                 Inc., 1993.                                   D  NMR  Spectroscopy  -  A  Problem-Based  Approach,
               2. P.  T.  Kissinger  and  W.  R.  Heinemmen,  Laboratory   Academic Press, 2008.
                 Techniques  in  Electroanalytical  Chemistry,  Marcel   5. S.  Stefan  Berger,  D.  Sicker,  Classics  in  Spectroscopy,
                 Dekker Inc., 1984.                            Wiley-VCH, 2009.
               3. D. Pletcher and F.C. Walsh, Industrial Electrochemistry,
                 Blackie Academic and Professional, 1993.     SIC3010  ORGANIC SYNTHESIS
               4. D. B. Hibbert, Introduction to Electrochemistry, MacMillan
                 Press Ltd., 1993.                            Retrosynthetic analysis and synthesis design. Selectivity in
               5. K. B. Oldham, J. C. Myland, A. M. Bond, Electrochemical   synthesis: chemo-, regio-, and stereoselectivity. Synthesis
                 Science   and   Technology:   Fundamentals   and   of acyclic and cyclic compounds.  Concept of umpolung;
                 Applications, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2011.   functional  group  interconversion.  Use  of  organometallic
               6. J. Wang, Analytical Electrochemistry, John Wiley & Sons,   reagents  in  syntheses.  Asymmetric  synthesis;  selected
                 Inc., 2006.                                  examples from classical and contemporary syntheses.
               7. A.  J.  Bard  and  L.  R.  Faulkner,  Fundamentals  and
                 Applications, John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 2001.   Assessment Methods:
                                                              Continuous assessment:    30%
                                                              Final examination:      70%
               SIC3008  BIOSYNTHESIS
                                                              Medium of instruction:
               Biochemical  constraints  and  investigation  techniques:   English
               biosynthetic  reagents,  enzymes,  biochemical  assays  and
               application  of  isotopic  labelling  (esp.  in  conjunction  with
               13C NMR) in the study of biosynthetic processes.

               Biosynthesis of selected natural products: polyketides, fatty
               acids,  prostanoids,  aromatic  compounds  (e.g.  Shikimic
               acid),  macrocyclic  antibiotics,  terpenes,  terpenoids,  and

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