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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               1. Warren,  S.,  Organic  Synthesis:  The  Disconnection   Assessment Methods:
                 Approach, John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, New York,   Continuous assessment:    30%
                 Brisbane, Toronto, Singapore, 1982.          Final examination:      70%
               2. F.  A.  Carey  and  R.  J.  Sundberg,  Advanced  Organic
                 Chemistry,  Part  B:  Reactions  and  Synthesis,  4   ed.,   Medium of instruction:
                 Plenum Press, New York & London, 2002.       English
               3. M. B. Smith, Organic Synthesis, 2  ed., McGraw Hill Inc,
                 2001.                                        References:
               4. M.  B.  Smith  and  J.  March,  March's  Advanced  Organic   1. M. Niyaz Khan, Micellar catalysis, CRC Press, Taylor &
                 Chemistry:  Reactions,  Mechanisms,  and  Structure   Francis Group, 2006.
                 (March's  Advanced  Organic  Chemistry),  5   ed.,  Wiley-  2. W. P. Jencks, Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology,
                 Interscience; 2001.                           McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969.
               5. W.  A.  Smit,  A.  F.  Bochkov  and  R.  Caple,  Organic   3. J.  March,  Advanced  Organic  Chemistry:  Reactions,
                 Synthesis: The Science Behind the Art, RSC, 1998.   Mechanisms and Structure, 4  ed., McGraw-Hill, 1992
                                                              4. J.  Hine,  Structural  Effects  on  Equilibria  in  Organic
                                                               Chemistry, Wiley, 1975.
               SIC3011  MECHANISTIC ORGANIC CHEMISTRY         5. C.  Reichardt,  Solvents  and  Solvent  Effects  in  Organic
                                                               Chemistry, VCH, New York, 1988.
               Reactive  intermediates  in  organic  chemistry  including
               carbocations, free radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, and radical-  SIC3013  ADVANCED MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY
               ions. Chemistry of free radicals: reactions and mechanisms
               of   free   radicals   including   abstraction,   addition,   Selections of topics are as follows:
               rearrangement, cyclization and fragmentation; applications
               of  radical  reactions  in  organic  synthesis;  reactions  of   Basic  quantum  mechanics  and  group  theory  for
               carbenes,  carbenoids,  nitrenes,  and  ion-radicals,  and   spectroscopy;  vibrational  spectroscopy  of  polyatomic
               applications  in  synthesis.  Formation,  stability,  and   molecules, selection rules and analysis of normal modes of
               rearrangements  of  carbocations;  tandem  and  cascade   vibration,  Raman  spectroscopy,  advanced  electronic
               cyclizations.  Mechanistic  details  of  selected  classes  of   spectroscopy,  and  modern  techniques  in  spectroscopy.
               organic  reactions  such  as  nucleophilic  substitution,   Laser  techniques  and  applications  of  lasers  in
               hydrolysis,   polar   rearrangements,   electron-transfer   spectroscopy.
               reactions,  photochemical  reactions.  Pericyclic  reactions:   Energy  of  a  free  electron  in  a  magnetic  field.  EPR
               molecular  orbitals;  conservation  of  orbital  symmetry  in   spectrometer & first-derivative spectrum. The g-factor and
               concerted reactions; theory (frontier orbital method, use of   hyperfine  structures:  simple  and  complex  hyperfine
               correlation  diagrams,  aromatic  transition  state  approach)   patterns.  Interpretation  of  isotropic  hyperfine  coupling
               and  applications  of  electrocyclic  reactions,  sigmatropic   constants: spin Hamiltonian and perturbation theory. First-
               rearrangements, and cycloadditions, including tandem and   order and second-order hyperfine.
               cascade processes, in organic synthesis.
                                                              Assessment Methods:
               Assessment Methods:                            Continuous assessment:    30%
               Continuous assessment:    30%                  Final examination:      70%
               Final examination:      70%
                                                              Medium of instruction:
               Medium of instruction:                         English
               References:                                    1. N. M. Atherton, Electron Spin Resonance, John Wiley &
               1. R. B. Woodward and R. Hoffmann, The Conservation of   Son Inc., 1973.
                 Orbital Symmetry, Academic Press Inc, 1970.    2. A. Carrington and A. D. McLachlan, Introduction to
               2. J. Clayden, N. Greeves, S. Warren, P. Wothers, Organic   Magnetic Resonance, Harper & Row and John
                 Chemistry, Oxford.                            Weatherhill Inc.,1969.
               3. J. March, and M. Smith, Advanced Organic Chemistry,   3. P. Atkins, J. d. Paula, Physical Chemistry, 11  ed.,
                 6  ed., New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2007.    Oxford University Press, 2018.
               4. T.  H.  Lowry  and  K.  S.  Richardson,  Mechanism  and   4. J. M. Hollas, Modern Spectroscopy, 4  ed., John Wiley &
                 Theory in Organic Chemistry, 3  ed., Harper and Row,   Sons, 2004
                 1987.                                        5. I. N., Levine Molecular Spectroscopy, 1  ed., John Wiley
               5. A.  J.  Bellamy,  An  Introduction  to  the  Conservation  of   & Sons, 1975.
                 Orbital Symmetry, Longman, 1974.             6. J. L. Mchale, Molecular Spectroscopy, Crc Press, 2017.
               6. I.  Fleming,  Frontier  Orbitals  and  Organic  Chemical   7. R. C. Maurya, & Amp; J. M. Mir, Molecular Symmetry And
                 Reactions, Wiley, 1976.                       Group Theory, De Gruyter 2019.5.
               7. S.  Sankararaman,  Pericyclic  Reactions  -  A  Textbook:   8. H.  Abramczyk,  Introduction  To  Laser  Spectroscopy,
                 Reactions,  Applications  and  Theory,  Wiley-VCH,  2005   Elsevier 1  Edition 2005.


               Application  of  physical  organic  concepts  in  the   Part A: Polymer Characterizations
               determination of organic reaction mechanisms: kinetics and   Characterization  of  a  polymer  system.  Non-instrumental
               energetics;  stereochemistry;  solvent  effects;  non-kinetic   techniques – (a) density measurements /comparisons, and
               and kinetic isotope effects; linear free energy relationships;   (b) heating and burning tests. Instrumental techniques - (a)
               sonochemistry; organic surface reactions.      thermal  analysis  (DSC  &  TGA),  (b)  Spectroscopic
                                                              techniques  (FTIR &  NMR).  Aspects  of the strengths  and
               Catalysis:  catalysis  in  molecules,  approximation,  induced   weaknesses   of   these   techniques   in   polymer
               catalysis, covalent catalysis, nucleophilic catalysis, general   characterization  and  their  applications  in  research  and
               acid-  and  general-base  catalysis,  micellar  catalysis  and   industry  will  be  introduced.  Relevant  examples  will  be
               enzymatic catalysis.                           discussed and set as assignments.
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