Page 10 - 03/2022 PULSE@FASS e-Bulletin
P. 10

Issue no. 3 | 2022

             Towards Sustainable Living: Community
               Building, Social Action and Innovation

                 By Aidil Iman & Puteri Majid
    Under the guidance of Dr. Sheila Michael, the students of
    the  Department  of  International  and  Strategic  Students
    undertook  two  important  projects  -  Feed  the  Need  and
    UN.PLASTIC.CO: Combating PLastic Pollution - as a part
    of the course on Community Building, Social Action and
    Innovation (SULAM).

    Feed  the  Need  was  motivated  by  the  struggles  of  the
    community  in  securing  food  sources,  especially  during
    the calamitous events. The students collaborated with an
    established local food security movement, The Lost Food
    Project. Focusing on sustainable practices, the students
    organized fundraising events that garnered resources to
    feed  100  people,  keeping  in  the  spirit  of  the  UN’s
    Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger.

    UN.PLASTIC.CO  organized  several  events  to  raise
    awareness  about  plastic  pollution.  These  included  a
    forum  on  Global  Plastic  Pollution  with  international
    speakers from Malaysia, Indonesia and Japan, setting up
    a  zero  waste  booth  and  fundraising  during  Ramadan
    sales.  The  money  collected  during  the  Ramadan  sales
    was donated to Free Tree Society, Malaysia. The group
    was  awarded  second  place  in  the  E-Sulam  Category  at
    the Pertandingan Projek Sulam Universiti Malaya 2022.

        Computer Game Consultancy for Orang Asal


                                                             Dr.  Welyne  Jeffrey  Jehom  was  involved  as  one  of  the
                                                             consultants  in  a  project  that  required  consultation  on
                                                             Orang  Asal/Orang  Ulu  character  for  a  video  game.  A
                                                             video  game  company,  Avalanche  Studio  Group  with
                                                             offices  in  Sweden,  NYC  and  Liverpool  were  creating  a
                                                             character  for  a  game  currently  in  development.
                                                             Consultancy  involved  perspective  on  the  character’s
                                                             costume,     physical   appearance     and    traditional

                                                             These  features  are  important  in  order  to  avoid  cultural
                                                             conflict with any ethnic group in the region. Each aspect
                                                             of the character was developed to fit into a fantasy based
                                                             on  the  cultural  elements  of  the  region.  Confidential
                                                             contract was signed, hence only little information can be

                                                              Left: Dr Welyne on site in Sarawak
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