Page 17 - 03/2022 PULSE@FASS e-Bulletin
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PROTÉGÉS                                                                                Issue no. 3 | 2022
          Summer Enrichment Programme: Kwansei
                               Gakuin University, Japan

                                                 By Annur Ainan Razali
    The  Summer  Enrichment  Programme  (SEP)  collaborated
    with  the  Faculty  of  Built  Environment  and  UMCHRC  to
    receive  twelve  architecture  students  from  the  Kwansei
    Gakuin University, Japan. The aim of the programme was
    to introduce the students to Malaysian architecture and to
    sharpen their English proficiency during their visit to UM. In
    the span of two weeks from 15th to 26th of August 2022,
    the  Japanese  students  visited  important  sites  in  and
    around Kuala Lumpur after their English classes. They also
    went to Melaka for a two day trip.

    The field trips planned by the Faculty of Built Environment
    and UMCHRC introduced the students to the colonial and
    modern  architecture  of  Rumah  Tangsi,  Kuala  Lumpur
    Railway Station, Central Market, KLCC, Saloma Bridge and
    several other places in Kuala Lumpur. Along with this, the
    students were exposed to the rich and diverse cultures of
    Malaysia  through  the  activities  prepared  by  i-Smart
    Buddies such as a cultural exchange night which included
    traditional dances, games and food.

               SEPvrUM Tottori University Outbound

                       Experience: A virtual experience

                                         By Nurin Hadirah Sabella binti Hisham

                                             Virtual Tour Session being conducted
    The  Summer  Enrichment  Programme  Virtual  Mobility,    The  two  courses  "Malaysia  as  a  Multicultural  Society"
    commonly  known  as  SEPvrUM,  is  an  annual  virtual    conducted  by  Professor  Chan  and  "Japanese  Language
    programme  that  opens  up  the  chances  to  dive  into  and  Culture  Class"  conducted  by  Professor  Ikeda  were
    Malaysian  culture  while  enhancing  and  developing     beneficial  for  both  Malaysian  and  Japanese  students  as
    English  language  skills.  This  time,  SEPvrUM  was     they  learnt  about  the  countries,  their  culture,  etiquettes,
    conducted  with  a  total  of  7  students  from  Tottori  behaviour and traditions. Language often proved to be a
    University,  Japan,  alongside  12  i-Smart  Buddies  from  the  barrier  in  communication  but  the  students  managed  to
    members  of  Global  Network  Club.  The  programme  was  overcome  it  by  listening  and  trying  to  understand  each
    conducted  from  22nd  to  26th  August  2022.  Despite  the  other patiently. The students exchanged perspectives and
    short span of time, each moment was spent efficiently; the  opinions during breakout room sessions. i-Smart Buddies
    i-Smart  Buddies  cooperated  and  worked  together  to   also  organized  games  and  activities  like  a  virtual  tour  of
    ensure that the programme ran smoothly and fruitfully for  UM  and  a  Hometown  Sharing  session  to  strengthen  the
    the Japanese students.                                    bonds with the Japanese students.
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