Page 52 - AEI Insights 2018 Vol 4 Issue 1
P. 52

AEI Insights, Vol 4, Issue 1, 2018

                legalább egymillió bevándorlót telepítsen be  Africa and the Middle East into the European
                az    Európai     Unió     területére,   így  Union, including Hungary.
                Magyarországra is.
                Soros György brüsszeli vezetõkkel együtt azt  George Soros and the leaders of the Brussels
                is el akarja érni, hogy az EU tagállamai, így  want  EU  members,  including  Hungary,  to
                Magyarország is, bontsák le a határvédelmi  dismantle  their  border  fences  and  to  open
                kerítéseket,  es  nyissák  meg  a  határokat  a  their borders to migrants.
                bevándorlók elõtt.
                A  Soros-terv  része,  hogy  a  nyugat-európai  It  is  part  of  the  ‘Soros  Plan’  that  Brussels
                országokban     összegyült    bevándorlókat  mandatorily  distributes  the  migrants  that
                Brüsszel  kötelezõen  ossza  szét,  különös  ‘accumulated’  in  Western  Europe  among
                tekintettel a kelet-európai országokra. Ebben  member-states,  especially  those  in  Eastern
                Magyarországnak is részt kellene vennie.      Europe.  Hungary  would  be  forced  to
                A  Soros-terv  alapján  Brüsszelnek  arra  Based  on  the  ‘Soros  Plan’  Brussel  would
                kellene  köteleznie  minden  tagállamot,  így  need to mandate all member-states, including
                Magyarországot       is,   hogy     minden  Hungary’ to pay 9 million Hungarian Forint
                bevándorlónak fizessen 9 millió forint állami  governmental aid to each refugee.
                Soros György azt is el  akarja érni, hogy a  George  Soros  would  like  to  achieve  that
                migránsok  enyhébb  büntetést  kapjanak  az  migrants  receive  reduced  punishment  for
                általuk elkövetett büncselekményekért.        crimes they have committed.
                A Soros-terv célja, hogy az európai országok  The goal of the ‘Soros Plan’ is to push the
                nyelve es kultúrája háttérbe szoruljon, annak  language  and  culture  of  the  European
                érdekében,  hogy  az  illegális  bevándorlók  country to the back in order to facilitate the
                integrációja hamarabb megtörténjen.           speedy integration of illegal immigrants.
                A Soros-terv része, hogy politikai támadást  It  is  part  of  the  ‘Soros  Plan’  to  launch  a
                indítsanak a bevándorlást ellenzõ országok  political  attack  against  countries  opposing
                ellen, és kemény büntetésekkel sújtsák õket.   migration and to institute harsh punishments
                                                              against them.

               Ignoring the fact that George Soros is not a representative of the European Union and that the
               so-called Soros Plan is an opinion piece by a private individual, taking these questions and
               those  of  the  first  national  consultation  show  a  deepening  concern  from  the  Government
               regarding national sovereignty in the context of the refugee crisis afflicting Europe. It is clear
               that the government fears that Brussels seeks to violate Hungarian sovereignty to force the
               unlawful settlement of millions of migrants in Hungary.

               The basics of the European refugee crisis

               The  conditions  in  Syria  are  not  conducive  to  the  pursuit  of  a  happy  and  particularly  safe
               existence. These conditions have prompted the mass exodus of people seeking to escape the
               Syrian civil war, many of whom seek shelter in Europe motivated by the EU’s reputation for
               high living standards and robust social safety net. This is fairly straightforward. Unfortunately,
               there are numerous other regions on the globe where people are unhappy with their state of
               existence and would prefer to migrate to Europe. They are mixed with Syrian refugees and this
               creates the core of the conflict surrounding the European refugee crisis.
               The  prevailing  international  law  concerning  asylum  seekers  is  based  on  the  1951  United
               Nations  Refugee  Convention  and  the  1967  United  Nations  Protocol  on  Refugees.  The
               Convention defines a ‘refugee’ as a person who (UNHCR, 1951/67)

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