Page 33 - PhD_Handbook_2019-2020
P. 33
E-Log Book
Students are required to complete and submit their e-log book online via student
portal ( after each meeting with their supervisors.
The purpose of the e-Log Book is to:
• keep a record of your meetings with your supervisor(s).
• clearly identify the outcomes of each meeting and the actions that are
required on the part of the student.
• support the self-evaluative and reflective process that is necessary while
writing a thesis.
• provide evidence of the process to the Board of Examiners.
Student’s responsibility: It is the responsibility of the student to keep the e-log book up
to date. Students are expected to comply with the supervisor(s)’ suggestions and
recommendations as noted by the student in the Log Book and approved by the
E-Progress Report
Students are required to complete and submit their progress report online via student
portal ( to their respective supervisors at the end of each
A candidate is required to submit a research progress report between Week 16 until
Week 18 of each semester before the registration of the following semester begins
based on the prescribed procedure.
Supervisor and Co-Supervisors shall evaluate the candidate’s research progress report
in accordance with the prescribed procedures and complete the evaluation within
one (1) week from date of receipt.
A candidate whose progress is satisfactory shall be recommended to continue with
his candidature. A candidate whose progress is not satisfactory for two (2)
consecutive semesters shall have his candidature terminated by the Faculty. The
Director of Advanced Academic Service Centre (AASC) shall be informed of the
candidate’s candidature termination by the Faculty.
Candidate who fail to submit the report are evaluated as unsatisfactory in their
progress. Candidature will be terminated if the student receives unsatisfactory
evaluation for e-progress report for two consecutive semesters.