P. 13

◄Faculty of Business and Economics►

                 AA027007                     PUBLIC PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION
                 3 Credits
                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                              (1) Critically  evaluate  the  changing  roles  and  functions  of
                                                  human resource manager in public sector;
                                              (2) Interpret  how  organizations  can  gain  sustainable
                                                  competitive  advantage  through  public  personnel
                                                  administration; and
                                              (3) Suggest  a  dynamic  structure  of  public  personnel
                                                  administration  that  has  impactful  to  the  organization,
                                                  community, and society.

                 Synopsis of Course           This  course  will  provide  an  understanding  on  public
                 Contents                     personnel    administration.   Topics   covered     include
                                              understanding  the  internal  and  external  environment,
                                              managing  organizational  and  public  personnel,  recruiting,
                                              training  and  compensation  appraisal,  career  and  safety
                                              management  health,  and  issues  relating  to  global  public
                                              personnel administration.

                 Assessment Weightage         Continuous Assessment: 60%
                                              Final Examination: 40 %

                 Medium of Instruction        English

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