Page 34 - Master_of_Business_Administration_Handbook_20242025
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APPENDIX - Details of Concentration / Elective Courses
COURSE TITLE *Leadership
At the end of the course, students are able to:
1. Illustrate dimensions of effective and ineffective leadership skills which
includes traits, values, and leader behaviour.
2. Justify how behavioural processes of a leader influences the effectiveness
LEARNING and charisma of a leader
OUTCOMES 3. Explain different leadership styles to match the situational favourableness
and environment.
4. Formulate how leaders gain power and use them in various influence
tactics to influence the situation and the players within and beyond the
This course encompasses the history and evolution of leadership research in
comparison to traditional leadership theories. The course also looks at
contemporary leadership theories such as visionary leadership and learning
oriented leadership. The need to relook at traditional leadership theories and
SYNOPSIS embrace new leadership styles can be attributed to the globalization process,
the introduction to concepts such as learning organisation, virtual teams, and
the emergence of knowledge workers. The course stars off with a discussion on
a leader is responsible in providing direction, developing good quality leader-
member exchange, and change orientation.
COURSE TITLE * Business Ethics, Governance and Sustainable Society
At the end of the course, students are able to:
1. Demonstrate the fundamentals of ethics and governance concepts,
issues, and challenges in the context of organisational practices.
2. Integrate an individual ethical principle as an essential dimension in the
OUTCOMES decision-making process.
3. Coordinate the role of company directors, shareholders, stakeholders,
and regulatory bodies in promoting good corporate governance.
4. Integrate the tool of ethical frameworks through a community services
The aim of this course is to expose students with the theoretical background of
ethics and governance in the context of a business environment. The course
will emphasize on the complexity of ethical frameworks in implementing ethics
in organisational functions including human resource management, marketing,
accounting, finance, and technology. Furthermore, students will analyse local
SYNOPSIS and international ethical cases to help them to improve their ability to engage
with the ethical decision-making process. As a result, students should be able
to understand, describe, and evaluate the implementation of ethics and
governance from the stakeholder perspective. This course will also expose
students to practice what they have learned through the engagement with
community service program.
*Note : This course appears in every 1 concentration package
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