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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                                                                  COURSE PRO FORMA

                               EQX 7001 PHILOSOPHY AND METHODOLOGY OF RESEARCH

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of this course, students are able to:
                                              (1)  Examine  the  logic  of  scientific  discovery  and  what
                                                   constitutes novelty in research.
                                              (2)  Compare the usage of inductive and deductive research.
                                              (3)  Apply the different types of research methodologies.
                                              (4)  Formulate a research proposal.

                 Synopsis of Course           Using  examples  from  past  research  and  methodologies,  this
                 Contents                     course  seeks  to  examine  in  its  entirety  the  philosophy  and
                                              methodology  of  research  so  as  to  help  equip  students  with  a
                                              better understanding of how to undertake research, analyse data,
                                              and  write  scholarly  and  policy  papers.  Following  a  sequential
                                              exposition  of  the  philosophical  underpinnings  of  research  and
                                              methodology,  and  the  procedures  of  data  collection,  estimation
                                              and  interpretation  ,  the  course  introduces  all  the  main  current
                                              methodologies    as  well  as  qualitative  and  quantitative  tools  of
                                              data  analysis.  Lectures  will  be  supplemented  with  a  critical
                                              examination of the methodological frameworks used in selected
                                              leading publications.
                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment :  70%
                                              Final Examination  :   30%

                 Main Reference               (1) Ethridge,Don  (2004).  Research  Methodology  in  Applied
                                                  Economics. 2d     ed. Oxford: Blackwell.
                                              (2) Bryman,  Alan  (2004).  Social  Research  Methods.  2d  ed.
                                                  Oxford: Oxford    University Press.
                                              (3) Scheaffer, Richard L., Mendenhall, William III, Ott, R. Lyman
                                                  and Gerow,        Kenneth  G  (2012).  Survey  Sampling.  7
                                                  ed. Cengage Learning.
                                              (4) Babbie, Earl (2014). The Basics of Social Research. 6  ed.
                                                  Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
                                              EQA 7002 RESEARCH PROJECT
                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                              (1) Formulate  a  research  question  based  on  the  relevant
                                              (2) Design a research framework.
                                              (3) Analyze  the  information  /  data  collected  using  statistical
                                                  techniques and appropriate software.
                                              (4) Assess the significance and implication of research findings
                                              (5) Write a research report.
                 Synopsis of Course           The course is designed to train students in conducting a research
                 Contents                     in economics and writing a research paper. Students are guided
                                              by  at  least  one  supervisor from  the  development  of  a  research
                                              project  to  preparation  of  the  report.  The  stages  include
                                              identification of a research question, designing a study, literature
                                              review  (analysis,  synthesis  and  critic  of  empirical  research  and
                                              theory), data collection, data analysis, analysis of the findings to
                                              answer  the  research  questions,  and  drawing  appropriate

                 Assessment Methods           The Research Project is examined by the Supervisor(s) and an
                                              appointed Examiner. The marks given by the Supervisor(s) and
                                              Examiner carry equal weight. Total mark is 100%.

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