Page 23 - PROSPECTUS FEA IT 17-18
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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
distribution, agricultural development, industrialisation, balance of
payment issues, the Asian Economic Miracle and the Asian
financial crisis and remedies.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment : 50%
Final Examination : 50%
Main Reference (1) Michael .P. Todaro & Stephen C. Smith, Economic
Development.9 edition Pearson Addision-Wesley,2006.
(2) Dwight H, Perkins, Steven Radelet & David L.Lindauer,
Economics of Development.6 editon, 2006,Norton &
Company Inc.
(3) Greg Buckman, Global Trade,Past Mistakes,future
choices,Fernwood Publishing Ltd.Halifax,Nova Scotia,Zed
Books,London &New York, 2005
(4) Galbraith, James K. “Inequality and Stability” Oxford
University Press, 2012
(5) Faaland, Just, Jack Parkinsan and Saniman Rais. “Growth
and Ethic Inequality, Kuala Lumpur: Utusan Publication,
(6) Milanovic,Branko. “ Global Income Inequality: What it is and
why it Matters.” In Flat World, Big Gaps: Economic
Liberalization, Globalisation, Poverty and Inequality, Jomo
K..S.and Jacques Baudot eds. New York: United Nations
Publication, 2007.
Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
(1) Comparing macroeconomic thinking and fundamental
evolution to policy making;
(2) Analysing macro and financial instabilities in times of
economic shocks;
(3) Examine mainstream policy issues related to modern
macroeconomic problems.
Synopsis of Course This course aims to deepen the knowledge of macroeconomics in
Contents empirical analyses. First, the understanding of the application of
economic theories and principles to real world situations with the
desired aim of predicting potential outcomes is explored. The use
of applied macroeconomics is analytically reviewed and
macroeconomic instabilities are explored. Finally, policy issues
related to modern macroeconomic problems are discussed.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment : 50%
Final Examination : 50%
Main Reference (1) Olivier Blanchard, Macroeconomics, 6 Edition, Addison
Wesley Longman.
(2) The Financial Crisis Inquiry Report, 2011
(3) Sheng, Andrew, 2009. From Asian to Global Financial
Crisis, Cambridge University Press.
(4) Walter Enders, 2004. Applied Econometrics Time Series,
Wiley, 2 Edition.
(5) Damodar Gujarati, 2003. Basic Econometrics, McGraw-Hill,
International Edition.