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â—„Faculty of Economics and Administrationâ–ş

                 Main Reference               (1)  Najam, A; Halle, M and Ortix, M.R. Trade and Environment:
                                                  A Resource Book. IISd Publications. 2013
                                              (2)  Brack,.  D.,  (eds),  Trade  and  Environment:  Conflict  or
                                                  Compatibility, Island Press.2010.
                                              (3)  Copeland,  M.,  and  Taylor,  S.,  Trade  and  the  Environment:
                                                  Theory and Evidence, Princeton University Press, 2013
                                              (4)  Harris,  J,  Trade  and  Environment,  GDAE,  Tufts  Univesity
                                                  Press, 2008.
                                              (5)  Kellenber,  D.  An  empirical  Investigation  of  the  Pollution
                                                  Haven  Effect  With  Startegic  Environment  and  Trade  Policy,
                                                  Jouranl of International Economics, Volume 18: 2. 2009. Pp
                                              (6)  Kearsley, A and Riddel, M. A further Inquiry into the Pollution
                                                  Haven  Hyphothesis  and  The  Environmental  Kuznets  Curve,
                                                  Ecological Economics, Volume 69:4, 2010. Pp 905-919.
                                        EQA 7011 ISLAMIC BANKING AND FINANCE

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                              (1)  Apply  the  underlying  concepts  and  principles  of  Islamic
                                                  banking and finance;
                                              (2)  Analyze  differences  between  the  Islamic  and  the
                                                  conventional financial systems; and
                                              (3)  Argue  issues  and  policies  pertaining to the  development  of
                                                  Islamic banking and finance in theory and practice.

                 Synopsis of Course           This  course  gives  an  overview  of  the  Islamic  financial  system
                 Contents                     which  comprises  the  Islamic  financial  institutions  and  financial
                                              markets. The course starts with a discussion of the fundamentals
                                              of Islamic banking and finance; the rationale, underlying concepts
                                              and  principles.  It  will  then  examine  issues  pertaining  to  the
                                              development  of  Islamic  financial  institutions  and  financial
                                              markets.  Course  topics  include  the  prohibition  of  riba,  Islamic
                                              contracts  of  exchange,  Islamic  banking  in  theory  and  practice,
                                              Islamic insurance (tearful), Islamic money market, Islamic equity
                                              market, Islamic derivatives (sukuk) and regulatory issues.

                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment  : 50%
                                              Final Examination            : 50%

                 Main Reference               (1) Abdul  Ghaffar  Ismail  (2010)  Money,  Islamic  Banks  and  the
                                                  Real Economy, Cengage Learning: Singapore
                                              (2) Kamal  Khir,  Lakesh  Gupta  &  Bala  Shanmugam  (2008),
                                                  Islamic Banking:  A Practical Perspective, Pearson Longman
                                              (3) Mohd Daud Bakar, Engku Rabiah Adawiah Engku Ali (2008)
                                                  Essential  Readings  in  Islamic  Finance,  CERT  Publications,
                                                  Kuala Lumpur Malaysia
                                              (4) Muhammad  Ayub  (2007)  Understanding  Islamic  Finance,
                                                  John Wiley, England
                                              (5) Karim,  Adiwarman  A  (2005)  Islamic  Banking:  Fiqh  and
                                                  Financial Analysis, PT Rajagrafindo Persada Jakarta

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