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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►
Economic Surveys, 27(5), pp. 846-878.
(13) La Porta R, Florence Lopez-de-Silanes, SA, &Vishny, RW
(1998) Law & Finance, Journal of Political Economy, 106 (6),
pp 1113- 1155.
(14) Claessens, Stijn& Fan, Joseph PH (2002). Corporate
Governance in Asia: A Survey. International Review of
Finance, 3(2), pp. 71-103.
(15) Xu, Guangdong (2011). The Role of Law in Economic
Growth: A Literature Review, Journal of Economics Surveys,
25(5), pp. 833-871.
(16) Hassan AFM, Salim R & Bloch H (2011). Population Age
Structure, Saving, Capital Flows and the Real Exchange
Rate: A Survey of the Literature. Journal of Economic
Surveys, 25(4), pp. 708-736.
(17) Thomas, Ashok &Spataro, Luca (2014). The Effects of
Pension Funds on Markets Performance: A Review. Journal
of Economic Surveys, 00(0), pp. 1-33.
(18) Cai, Yong & Cheng, Yuan (2014). Pension Reform in China:
Challenges and Opportunities. Journal of Economic Surveys,
28(4), pp. 636-651.
Learning Outcomes At the end of this course, the students are able to:
(1) Adapt basic theory to recent advances in international trade.
(2) Analyze international trade issues.
(3) Debate critically on various policy questions pertaining to
international trade.
Synopsis of Course The course is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on the
Contents building blocks of positive trade theory, the effects of different
types of policy instruments and the welfare effects of trade
agreements. The second part of the course explores some topics
at the frontier of research in international trade, namely the trade-
wage debate, networks, trade and poverty, trade and
environment and the political economy of trade policy.
Assessment Methods Continuous Assessment : 50%
Final Examination :50%
Main Reference (1) Krugman, P.R. and Obstfeld, M. (2012). International
Economics – Theory and Policy (9 ed.), Pearson Addison
(2) Feenstra, R. C. (2004). Advanced International Trade: Theory
and Evidence, Princeton University Press.
(3) Yarbrough, B.V. and Yarbrough, B.V. (2006). The World
Economy: Trade and Finance (7 ed.), Thomson South-
(4) Cheng, L.K. and Kierzkowski, H. (eds.) (2001). Global
Production and Trade in East Asia, Springer.
(5) Copeland, B.R. and Taylor, M.S. (2005). Trade and the
Environment: Theory and Evidence, Princeton University