Page 21 - PROSPECTUS FEA IT 17-18
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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►

                                         EQA 7003 ADVANCED MICROECONOMICS
                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of this course, students are able to:

                                              (1) Analyse  the  core  topic  areas  of  microeconomics  at  the
                                                  advanced level via the mathematical approach;
                                              (2) Apply  microeconomics  theory  to  a  variety  of  problems  and
                                                  issues in economics;
                                              (3) Examine economic issues and problems analytically; and
                                              (4) Propose solutions based or microeconomic principles.

                 Synopsis of Course           This  course  will  analyse  microeconomic  theory  in  terms  of  the
                 Contents                     classical approach as well as modern microeconomic theory. The
                                              course will focus on the core topic areas of microeconomics such
                                              as the consumer theory, the theory of the firm, market structures,
                                              public goods, externalities, risk and uncertainty and asymmetric
                                              information.  The  combined  application  basic  mathematic  tools
                                              and microeconomic theory will give the student the opportunity to
                                              develop quantitative and analytical reasoning skills.

                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment  : 50%
                                              Examination                     : 50%

                 Main Reference               (1) Wetzstein, M. (2013). Microeconomic Theory: Concepts and
                                                  Connections 2  edition. Routledge.
                                              (2) Varian, H.R. (1992). Microeconomics Analysis, 3  ed., W.W.
                                                  Norton & Co., New York.
                                              (3) Mas-Colell,  A.,  Winston,  M.D.,  Green,  J.R.,  (1995).
                                                  Microeconomic Theory. Oxford University Press, UK.
                                        EQA 7004 ADVANCED MACROECONOMICS

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of this course, students are able to:

                                              (1) Interpret fundamental macroeconomic theory
                                              (2) Contrast the different macroeconomic approaches
                                              (3) Apply macro models in analysis of economic problem
                                              (4)  Evaluate the outcomes of macro-models

                 Synopsis of Course           This  course  encompasses  the  development  of  2  basic
                 Contents                     neoclassical models namely the infinite horizon and overlapping
                                              generation’s  models.  This  is  followed  by  discussions  on  Real
                                              Business  Cycle  Theory,  traditional  Keynesian  Theory,  New
                                              Keynesian Economics, Consumption, Investment and Monetary.

                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment  : 50%
                                              Final Examination             : 50%

                 Main Reference               (1) Romer,  D.  (2001)  Advanced  Macroeconomics.Second
                                                  Edition. New York, McGraw Hill.
                                              (2) Blanchard,  O.  and  Fisher,  S.  (1989)  Lectures  on
                                                  Macroeconomics. Cambridge, Mass:MIT
                                              (3) Romer, David (2012) Advanced Macroeconomics.New York.
                                                  MacGraw Hill

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