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◄Faculty of Economics and Administration►

                                           EQA 7005 THE MALAYSIAN ECONOMY

                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of the course, students are able to:

                                               (1)  Analyse issues of the Malaysian economy;
                                               (2)  examine  challenges,  policies  and  performance  of  the
                                                   Malaysian economy; and
                                               (3)  Debate on current issues of the Malaysian economy.
                 Synopsis of Course           This  course  emphasises  major  issues relating to  the  Malaysian
                 Contents                     economy. Topics that will be covered include issues on economic
                                              growth, structural  transformation & institutional change, issues in
                                              sectorial  development,  issues  in  macroeconomic    management
                                              with  respect  to  goals,  policies  &  performance,  an  analysis  of
                                              economic  crises,    business–government  relations,  privatization
                                              policies  &  role  of  GLCs,  international  trade  &  investment,
                                              development  of  financial  system,  markets  &  institutions,
                                              development of key factor markets, affirmative action as well as
                                              development issues such as human capital formation (education)
                                              and migration.
                 Assessment Methods           Continuous Assessment  : 100%
                                              Final Examination:   -

                 Main Reference                (1) Rasiah,  R.  (ed.).  2011.  Malaysian  Economy:  Unfolding
                                                   Growth and Social Change. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University
                                               (2) E.T  Gomez  et  al  (eds)  2013  The  New  Economic  Policy  in
                                                   Malaysia,  Affirmative  Action,  Ethnic  Inequalities  and  Social
                                                   justice, SIRD
                                               (3) Jomo K Sundaram & Wee Chong Hui, 2014. Malaysia @ 50
                                                   Economic  Development,  Distribution,  Disparities,  Strategic
                                                   Information  and  Research  Development  Centre,  Petaling
                                                   jaya, Malaysia
                                               (4) World  Bank,  Dec  2013  Malaysia  Economic  Monitor  High
                                                   Performing Education, The World Bank
                                               (5) World  Bank,  April  2011  Malaysia  Economic  Monitor,  Brain
                                                   Drain, The World Bank
                                               (6)  World  Bank  June  2013  Malaysia  Economic  Monitor
                                                   Harnessing Natural Resources, The World Bank
                                   EQA 7006 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND PLANNING
                 Learning Outcomes            At the end of this course, students are able to:
                                              (1) Explain the concepts and meaning of economic growth and
                                                  economic development;
                                              (2) Analyse the major theories of economic development;
                                              (3) Compare  the  structure  and  characteristics  of  developing
                                                  countries; and
                                              (4) Evaluate  the  main  policy  issues  related  to  problems  of
                                                  economic development and planning in developing countries.
                 Synopsis of Course           Principal topics of the course include the concept and meaning of
                 Contents                     economic growth and economic development, major theories of
                                              economic  development,  structure  and  characteristics  of
                                              developing countries and main policy issues related to problems
                                              of  economic  development  and  planning  in  developing  countries
                                              such as population growth and development, poverty and income

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