Page 236 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 236

      Puisi China Klasik
      Classical Chinese Poetry

      Kursus ini akan diperkenalkan tentang perkembangan puisi klasik Cina dari zaman ke zaman. Penyair-penyair yang terkemuka akan
      dikaji melalui memahami riwayat hidup mereka. Latar-belakang penciptaan puisi seseorang penyair juga diberi perhatian. Pelajar
      dikehendaki menganalisa dan mengapresiasikan karya-karya puisi klasik yang terpilih daripada penyair-penyair yang agong.

      This course introduces the development of classical Chinese poetries from a period to another. The famous poetries will be researched
      through an understanding of their life. The background of how a poet creating poetries also being studied. Students are required to
      analyse and appreciate the selected poetries of the outstanding poets.

      Kesusasteraan Cina Kontemporari
      Contemporary Chinese Literature

      Kursus  ini  bertujuan  meneliti  kesusasteraan  Cina  kontemporari  menerusi  aspek  sosial  dan  estetik.  Penekanan  akan  diberi  kepada
      mengaplikasikan  teori-teori  sastera  dan  kritikan  kepada  penilaian  pelbagai  genre  sastera  Cina  kontemporari.  Karya  tokoh-  tokoh
      penting serta karyawan-karyawan terkenal akan dikaji.

      This  course  exposes  students  to  the  social  and  aesthetic  aspects  of  contemporary  Chinese  literature.  Emphasis  will  be  given  to  the
      application  of  literary  theories  and  critical  analysis  of  various  genres  of  contemporary  Chinese  literature.  Works  of  important  and
      famous writers will also be evaluated.

      Pengantar Pengajian Cina
      Introduction to Chinese Studies

      Kursus ini merupakan satu pengenalan kepada pengajian Cina di Asia Tenggara dan rantau di luar negara China. Ia bermula dengan
      kajian sejarah proses migrasi dan penetapan. Ia fokus kepada isu-isu dan persoalanpersoalan utama yang menarik perhatian para
      sarjana  dari  masa  selepas  Perang  Dunia  Kedua  sampai  dekad  pertama  abad  ke-21.  Kaedah-kaedah  kajian  yang  diguna  untuk
      pengajian masyarakat Cina juga diberi perhatian.

      This course is an introduction to the Chinese studies in Southeast Asia including the overseas Chinese. It begins with the historical studies
      of  Chinese  migration  and  settlement  processes.  Attention  also  given  to  the  questions  and  issues  addressed  by  the  Chinese  studies
      scholars across the post-World War Two period and the 21st century. It also discusses the research methods that have been widely
      applied in the Chinese studies.
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