Page 84 - Handbook PG 20182019
P. 84

Faculty of Science Postgraduate Booklet, Session 2018/2019

               Transferable Skill:
               Effective  communication,  critical  thinking  and  problem  solving,  teamwork,  lifelong  learning,
               leadership skills, professionalism.

               Humanity Skill:

               1.  Agamuthu P and Tanaka M. 2014. Municipal Solid Waste Management in Asia and the Pacific
                   Islands. Challenges and Strategic Solutions. Springer.
               2.  Agamuthu, P. 2001 Solid Waste: Principal and Management. With Malaysian case studies.

               SOA7005 Environmental Management and Planning

               This course consists of four component namely EMS, Environmental Economics, Environmental Law,
               and  GIS.  The  need  to  have  standards  call  for  the  understanding  on  EMS  requirements  and
               implementations. In ensuring the sustainable development, value should be given to environment
               via economic tools. Thus, environmental economics application in environmental management will
               be provided with specific methods/approaches used in environmental economics. The course also
               includes  the  introduction  to  Malaysian  legal  system,  environmental  laws,  federal,  state  and  local
               authority.  Legislation  and  regulations  on  pollution  control,  land-used  planning,  environmental
               impact assessment and environmental protection will be covered. Finally, data should be collated
               appropriate  for  usage  in  environmental  sector.  Thus,  the  course  offers  the  introduction  to  GIS,
               particularly in its use and application in planning.

               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment: 50%
               Final Examination: 50%

               Medium of Instruction:

               Transferable Skill:
               Apply appropriate tools to continuously improve an environmental management system, GIS and
               GPS ect.

               Humanity Skill:

               1.  Callan,  Scoot.  J  and  Thomas,  Janet.  M,  2007,  Environmental  Economics  and  Management:
                   Theory, Policy and Applications Fourth Edition. The Dryden Press.
               2.  Justine  Thornton  &  Silas  Beckwith  (2004)  Environmental  Law.  Sweet  &  Maxwell’s  Textbook

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