Page 29 - E-BOOK PULSE@FASS ISU NO.01/2023
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    I  am  Sivam  Tamilselvam  from  a  little  town  called  "Hicom"  in  Shah
    Alam. I am the youngest member of a very simple family. In fact, when
    I enrolled in Form 6, I became the first member of the family to go to a
    college. My father passed away before I could finish my secondary
    studies but I continued with the support of my mother, who became
    the breadwinner for the family.

    In  my  school  days,  my  Tamil  language  teacher  told  us  about  the
    Department  of  Indian  Studies,  one  of  the  oldest  departments  of
    Universiti Malaya. According to my teacher, it was the only place to
    study Tamil language right up to the doctoral level. My journey to UM
    began  there.  During  my  high  school  years,  I  would  go  to  the
    department at the University to attend the seminars and talks. I was
    drawn  to  the  research  being  done  on  Tamil  language  and  on  the
    socio-economic state of the Indians in the country. The department
    hosted the first "World Tamil Conference" in 1966. The contributions
    it has made to Tamil culture and community in Malaysia in the last 65
    years is beyond comparison. My resolve to study here got stronger as
    I learnt of these achievements and contributions.

    Universiti  Malaya,  especially  the  Department  of  Indian  Studies,  has
    shaped me on many levels. As a poor student, I studied hard through
    my high school and undergraduate years to earn a scholarship from          By Sivam Tamilselvam

    the    Public   Service    Department.    During    my                Department of Indian Studies
    undergraduate studies, I was fully involved in the Tamil                            2010-2014
    Language Society of Universiti Malaya (TLSUM). TLSUM      text message searching for a news presenter on a radio
    is  one  of  the  oldest  student  bodies  in  the  country,  news station. I gave it a try without hesitation. I was the
    formed  in  1959  by  the  students  of  the  Department  of  youngest  applicant  to  be  selected  after  a  rigorous
    Indian  Studies;  the  late  Emeritus  Professor  Dr  S.  process of examination and interviews at RTM. In fact,
    Singaravelu was the first TLSUM president. I can never    RTM allowed me job flexibility so that I could finish my
    forget  hosting  its  60th  Diamond  Jubilee  ceremony  as  studies at UM. The learning opportunities provided by
    the 2019 President. TLSUM’s “Peravai Kadhaigal” or the    UM  -  both  inside  and  outside  the  classroom  -  were
    short  story  Competition  is  one  of  its  kind  in  the  world  valuable in securing the position.
    and  has  been  featured  in  the  Malaysian  Book  of
    Records.                                                  I am always reminded that broadcasting is more than a
                                                              job. To me, it’s a form of public service. This came to the
    In 2018, I went to University of Madras in Tamil Nadu,    fore  during  the  pandemic,  when  we  were  not  only
    India  to  study  for  a  month  under  the  Student  Transfer  disseminating  information  but  actively  working  to
    Scheme of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, UM. The    safeguard  the  community  from  the  virus  by  giving
    visit enhanced my knowledge about the art and culture     information  about  the  safety  guidelines,  medical
    of  the  Tamils  in  India,  the  architecture  of  the  famous  facilities and so on.
    Hindu  temples,  their  history  and  Tamil  media.  I  am
    proud  to  say  that  I  won  the  Dean's  award  every   Although the time was distressful, there was satisfaction
    semester and brought fame to the department. When I       in  knowing  I  was  somehow  helping  the  people  and
    was studying for the final year examination, I received a   serving the community. Similarly, last year, when many

      PULSE invites alumni members of FASS to share with us their share of history and the amazing things they have
       done since graduating. Please send your articles directly to (Dr. Vilashini Somiah, Co-
      Editor- in- Chief), (Dr. Vandana Saxena, Co-Editor-in-Chief) or (Ms.
                                      Nadhwah Tul Iman Mizam, Asst. Ed-in-Chief).
              We are also open to receiving donations and any feedback, suggestions and questions as well.

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