Page 25 - E-BOOK PULSE@FASS ISU NO.01/2023
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PROTÉGÉS Issue no. 1 | 2023
Bachelor of Media Studies programme -
Students experience on the new 3u2i/2u2i!
In line with the Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2015-2025's goal of producing holistic, balanced, and
entrepreneurial graduates, flexible education has been introduced through 3+1 or 2+2 programs, which incorporate off-
campus or industry-based learning. The 2u2i academic program combines theoretical learning with real-world applications
in the workplace, enhancing experiential learning opportunities outside the campus or within relevant industries.
Additionally, the 2u2i academic program provides the chance for graduates to earn while studying (learn and earn). The
Bachelor of Media Studies programme at the Universiti Malaya is the first to incorporate the 2u2i concept into its curriculum.
By Ana Nurdini
Working in my first entry-level Public Relations (PR) degree programme,
Executive position, I was given a chance to mould public which is beneficial and
perception, build reputations and learn how to handle essential. Meanwhile, I
unforeseen circumstances, making it an enriching and can validate or refute the
exciting career. Despite having difficulties adapting to a fast- ideas I have learned in
paced working environment as a PR person during my the professional world.
internship at Yayasan Sime Darby, my experience positively The two different kinds
earned me the job I have today. of experiences
complement each other
The 3u1i programme has undoubtedly helped me along the very well. I found the 2
process. PR is a broad field that is intertwined with several semesters of industrial
other areas. Hence it is necessary for a PR practitioner to training rewarding,
attain certain techniques and skills such as writing, editing fulfilling, challenging,
and managing. and enjoyable. It also allowed me to hone my talents in a
particular PR area and gave me that hands-on experience
The knowledge I gained from my course, which included that I need, which is essential to develop critical skills that
classes, assignments, and publishing an academic project cannot be learned in a classroom. My education and
helped me, especially in the PR area. There was a clear experience go hand in hand, and I believe that an internship
connection between the classes I took and the work that I requirement is a beneficial tool in preparing college
did. Theory and concepts are stressed throughout my students for life after graduation.
By Cassandra Wong Broadcasting had always been my passion before and
Ever wonder what it when I pursued the course. During my internship at a
would be like to have 5 production house, I started interacting with local actors and
academic semesters and actresses, where I realised I enjoyed coordinating with local
9 months of internship? artists. That’s how I finally ended up as an Influencer
That’s the 2u2i program Coordinator in social media marketing today. A long term
offered by the internship program helped me to determine and decide on
Department of Media and what I actually want to do in life. With the 2u2i program, I
Communication, Faculty applied knowledge I learnt in the lecture hall and obtained
of Arts and Social more experiences at the workplace. I was given the chance
Sciences, Universiti to observe, learn and participate during the internship.
Malaya. I completed 3.5
years of Bachelor Degree of Media Studies and am now By exploring and meeting new faces, I was able to network
working as an Influencer Coordinator at BuzzOne Malaysia. and create connections; people I met during internship
could become my mentors, references, source of job
The 2u2i program integrates on- and off-campus learning to opportunities and life saviours. Within a month of
shape a knowledgeable student into a skilful working adult. completing my internship, I received my first offer of
With the 9-month internship, I had plenty of practical employment. With the 2u2i program, I believe fresh
learning time in the media industry and better exposure to graduates like me are more industry aware and ready, which
the real working environment. Gaining hands-onexperience in turn will increase our marketability and employability in
in the real world prepared me mentally, and readied me for today’s job market. Undeniably, the 2u2i program was a
the huge transition. fruitful experience.
24 | Pulse @ FASS