Page 12 - 04/2022 PULSE@FASS e-Bulletin1
P. 12

Issue no. 4 | 2022

       EU Climate Diplomacy Week Video Feature –
                          “Is Climate Emergency Real?”

                                                                                             A screenshot from the video
                                                                                             feature “Is Climate
                                                                                             Emergency Real?"
    As part of the ongoing partnership between the European   campaign  to  foster  dialogue  and  cooperation  on  climate
    Union  (EU)  and  Malaysia,  the  Delegation  of  the  EU  in  change,  showcase  success  stories  and  inspire  further
    Malaysia  has  been  working  on  a  video  series  on    action. The video looks at the climate crisis in Malaysia and
    sustainability and climate change. The 5 part video series  the effective ways to address climate emergencies.
    themed "Learn to Live Again: Steps Towards Sustainability"
    showcases the impact of climate change and what can be    Associate Professor Dr Varkkey was featured as one of the
    done to help preserve the oceans, forests and climate.    experts  interviewed  in  this  video,  alongside  other
                                                              prominent  Malaysian  climate  activists  and  experts  like
    In  conjunction  with  EU  Climate  Diplomacy  Week,  the  EU  Datin  Seri  Sunita  Rajakumar  (Chairperson  of  Climate
    has launched the third video titled “Is Climate Emergency  Governance  Malaysia)  and  Fadly  Bakhtiar  (Programme
    Real?". Climate Diplomacy Week is part of a  global       Director of EcoKnights).

    International Symposium on Tropical Antarctic

    Teleconnections (TATE)

                     By Dr Sheeba Chenoli

    On 1 December 2022, Tropical Antarctic Teleconnections
    (TATE),  an  international  action  group,  celebrated
    Antarctica day by organizing a symposium titled ‘Tropical
    Antarctic  teleconnection:  understanding  the  linkages  of
    climate patterns.’

    TATE  is  under  the  Scientific  Committee  on  Antarctic
    Research  (SCAR),  an  interdisciplinary  body  of  the
    International  Science  Council.  TATE  was  formed  during  Symposium participants with the invited speakers
    XXXIV  SCAR  Open  Science  Conference  held  in  Kuala   recognised  for  decades.  Climatic  teleconnections  are
    Lumpur,  Malaysia,  in  2016.  Over  the  last  six  years,  TATE  receiving  much  interest  these  days  because  they  play  a
    members  have  published  notable  papers,  conducted     significant  role  in  global  climate  change,  variability  and
    workshops  and  also  organized  sessions  in  scientific  extreme  weather.  This  symposium  reviewed  current
    conferences.                                              understanding  of  the  processes  linking  Antarctica  to  the
                                                              tropics  and  vice  versa,  which  are  critical  to  the  future
    Over the last decades, there has been a significant increase  trajectory of global climate change.
    in  the  scientific  understanding  of  the  influences  on  the
    Antarctic  climate  from  the  tropics  and  vice-versa.  The  This  symposium  was  sponsored  by  TATE  and  jointly
    importance  of  the  linkages  between  tropical  climate  and  organised by National Antarctic Research Center, UM-FASS
    variability in the high latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere  Climate  Change  Research  Group,  Universiti  Malaya  and
    (SH), particularly over the Antarctic, has been           Sultan Mizan Antarctic Research Foundation (YPASM).
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