Page 47 - Bachelor Of Sports Management 2022_2023. NEW
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                Course Code                VIA3001
                Course Title               SPORT FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT
                Credit                     3
                Medium of Instruction      English, Malay
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   None
                Course Learning Outcomes   At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.   Explain the importance of planning, managing and maintaining sports facilities and
                                           2.   Identify problems and challenges in managing sports facilities and equipment.
                                           3.   Apply the knowledge by designing management guidelines and procedures for selected
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This course begins with the history of sport facilities and the beginning of modern sport facilities
                                           in this country.  Next is the understanding of planning, dimensional development, sport facility
                                           spacing  and  allocations  for  sport  facility  users.  Managers’  roles  on  how  to  manage  and
                                           implement sport programs will also be reviewed. This course will end by looking
                                           into basic maintenance of sport facilities such as multiple types of playing surfaces and existing
                                           swimming pools.
                Main Reference             1.   Eric Schwarz, Stacey Hall, & Simon Shibli (2015).  Sport Facility Operations
                                               Management. Routledge.
                                           2.   Robin Ammon, Richard M. Southall, & Mark S. Nagel (2016) Sport Facility Management:
                                               Organizing Events and Mitigating Risks 3  Edition.
                                           3.   Gill Fried (2015) Managing Sports Facilities 3  Human Kinetics
                                           4.   Milton Garaat, Miswan Abdul Hakim Bin Mohammed & Mat Naim Abdullah, & Mohd
                                               Asmoni (2014). Overview of Sport Facilities Management in Malaysia.
                                           5.   Richard F. Mull, Brent A. Beggs, & Mick Renneisen (2009). Recreation Facility
                                               Management: Design, Development, Operations, and Utilization. Champaign, IL: Human
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment   : 60%
                                           Final Examination     : 40%

                Course Code                VIA3002
                Course Title               SPORT FINANCE MANAGEMENT
                Credit                     3
                Medium of Instruction      English, Malay
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   None
                Course Learning Outcomes   At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.   Discuss principles and fundamental of account and sports finance.
                                           2.   Apply financial knowledge in managing sports accounts and preparing budgets.
                                           3.   Analyse sports financial statement and apply finance techniques in making decisions.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This  course  exposes  students  to  the  features  of  financial  system  in  the  operation  of  sport
                                           organizations. Methods and current practices of financial system in the sport organizations and
                                           programs will be thoroughly discussed in class. Students will also gain additional knowledge,
                                           understanding and financial management practice through a project assigned to
                Main Reference             1.  Matthew T Brown, Daniel Rascher, Mark S Nagel, & Chad Mcevoy (2016) Financial
                                             Management in the Sport Industry, Holcomb Hathaway.
                                           2. Bob Stewart (2014) Sport Funding and Finance. 2nd edition. Routledge.
                                           3. Fried et al (2013). Sport Finance: 3rd Edition. Human Kinetics. Champaign.III
                                           4. Timothy J. Gallagher (et-al) 2013. Financial Management – Principles and Practice 7
                                             Edition. Prentice Hall.
                                           5. Robert Wilson (2011). Managing Sport Finance : 2nd edition. Fitness Information
                                             Technology, Inc.
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment   : 60%
                                           Final Examination     : 40%
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