Page 42 - Bachelor Of Sports Management 2022_2023. NEW
P. 42
Course Code VIA2001
Credit 3
Medium of Instruction English, Malay
Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum None
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
1. Explain the methods used in research.
2. Analyse Sport Management research found in the literature.
3. Develop a research proposal.
Synopsis of Course Contents This course exposes students to research process including identifying problem statements,
collecting relevant information from previous related studies, understanding data collection
and analysis techniques, and discussing research outcomes as well as making research
conclusions. Relevant research articles will be used as point of reference. At the end of the
course, students will present their individual research proposals to solve a specific sport
management issue in Malaysia.
Main Reference 1. Sparkes (2012). Telling Tales in Physical Education and Sport: A Qualitative Journey.
Kindle Books UK
2. Gratton & Jones (2014). Research Methods for Sport Studies. Routledge, London
3. Thomas (2010). Research Methods in PE. Human Kinetics. Champaign
4. Creswell (2013). Research Design: Qualitative, and Mixed methods Approaches, SAGE
Publications. Inc; 4 edition.
5. Veal & Darcy (2004). Research Methods in Sport Studies and Sport Management: A
Practical Guide. Routledge;
Assessment Weightage Continuous Assessment : 60%
Final Examination : 40%