Page 47 - University Malaya Rules and Regulations 2017
P. 47
(A) give the student a zero mark for the final
examination component of a course which the
student did not attend; or
(B) give grade I to the the student and allow him to sit
for the Special Examination for the course that he
did not attend. The Special Examination must be
held not later than one week after the Committee of
Examiners concerned makes its decision.
(iv) Notwithstanding the provisions stated under paragraph (B)
above, in certain circumstances the Dean of the Faculty
may allow the postponement of the date of the Special
Examination to no later than two weeks after the
commencement of the following semester. On the grounds
of prolonged medical psychiatry/chronic illness, the
postponement of the date of special examination can be
given not exceeding four Normal Semesters and two
Special Semesters consecutively.
(b) Non Completion of Part of The Course Requirements
(i) Where a student has not completed a part of the course
requirements in any one semester as stated in the sub
regulation (3)(d )(i) (A) (bb), a written application must be
made to the Dean of the Faculty of the programme of study
not later than one week before the commencement of the
final University examination accompanied with supporting
documentation as stated in paragraphs (a) (ii) (A) and (B)
for medical/ compassionate grounds or by producing
relevant letters of support or confirmation for reasons
which are beyond the control of the student.
(ii) For the meaning of paragraph (i) above, a student is
required to complete the part of the course requirements
concerned not later than one week after the Committee of
Examiners concerned has made its decision.
Notwithstanding this, in certain circumstances the Dean of
the Faculty of the student’s programme of study may allow
for the postponement of the completion of the course
requirements concerned not later than the fifteenth lecture
week of the subsequent Normal Semester.
(c) In a situation where a student is given Grade I as stated under
subregulation (3)(d)(i) above:
(i) The student is not imposed any fee;