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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020
SIK 2012 MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Arthropods as agents and vectors of human diseases. The Final Examination: 60%
vector-parasite relationships. Mechanical vectors and
biological vectors. The biology, life-cycle, epidemiology of Medium of Instruction:
diseases caused by mosquitoes, flies, ticks, bugs, lice, English
fleas, mites, cockroaches bedbugs ; vector control.
Soft Skills:
Assessment Methods: CS1, CT3, LL2, EM1
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60% Main References:
1. Hillier, S.G., H.C. Kitchener and J.P. Neilson. 1996.
Medium of Instruction: Scientific essential of reproductive medicine. W.B.
English Saunders Company Limited. London.
2. Hogart, P.J. 1978. Biology of reproduction. Blackie.
Soft Skills: Glasgow and London.
CS3, CT3, LL2, EM2 3. Austin, C.R. and R.V. Short. 1988. Reproduction in
mammals.Books 1- 5. Cambridge University Press.
Main References: Cambridge.
1. Medical entomology for students (2000) - MW 4. Knobil, E. and J.D. Neill. 1994. The physiology of
Service/Cambridge Univ Press reproduction. Volumes 1-2. Raven Press. New York.
2. Medical Lab Manual for Tropical Countries(1983) - 5. Nalbandow, A.V. 1976. Reproductive physiology of
Monica Cheesborough / ELBS mammals and birds. W.H. Freeman and Company.
3. Entomologi Perubatan (1993) - Sallehudin Sulaiman/ San Francisco.
4. Medical & Veterinary Entomology(1995) - D S Kettle/
5. Biology of Blood-sucking Insects (1991) - M J Lehane/ MEDICINE
Harpers Academic
6. Forensic entomology: the utility of arthropods in legal Principles of complementary alternative medicine; the
investigations (2001) - Byrd, Jason H./CRC Press diversity of complementary alternative medicine and
therapies; the roles of alternative medicine in modern
society; mind body medicine; naturopathic medicine;
SIK 2013 PHARMACOGNOSY environmental medicine; diet and health; detoxification
Introduction to pharmacognosy, crude drug, commerce in
drug, preparatition of drugs for commercial market, Assessment Methods:
evaluation of drug and chromatographic study of drugs, Continuous Assessment: 40%
chemical classification of drugs, carbohydrates and Final Examination: 60%
related compounds, glycosides, tannins, lipids, volatile Medium of Instruction:
oils, resins and resin combinations, alkaloids and English
poisonous plants.
Soft Skills:
Assessment Methods: CS1, CT3, LL2
Continuous Assessment: 40%
Final Examination: 60% Main References:
1. Daniels, C. (1998). Healing Secrets. Bookman Press
Medium of Instruction: Pty Ltd, Melbourne.
English 2. Polunin, M. & Robbins, C. (1999). The Natural
Pharmacy. Greenwich Edition, London.
Soft Skills: 3. The Burton Goldberg Group. (1997). Alternative
CS2, CT3, LL2 Medicine The Definitive Guide. Future Medicine
Publishing Inc. Tiburon, California.
Main References: 4. Woodham, A. & Peters, D. (2000). Encyclopedia of
1. Edward. P. Claus; Varro. E. Tyler and Lynn. R. (1970) Natural Healing. Dorling Kindersley Limited, London.
Pharmacognosy 6 edition.
2. William Charles Evans (1996) Trease and Ebans’
Pharmacognosy 14 edition. Saunders. SIK 2016 PRINCIPLES OF PROTEIN STRUCTURE
3. Muhamad Zakaria and Mustafa Ali Mohd (1994)
Traditional Malay Medicinal Plants, Penerbit Fajar The course covers the properties of protein structures and
Bakti Sdn Bhd. their classification. It describes in detail protein
4. Christophe wiart (2000) Mecidinal Plants of southeast classification and its functions. Introduction to
Asia, Pelanduk Publications. bioinformatics as tool to protein analysis.It also covers the
5. Malaysian Herbal Monograph (1999) Volume 1, life cycle of proteins in the cell.
Published by the Malaysian Monograph committee.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous Assessment: 40%
SIK 2014 PHYSIOLOGY OF REPRODUCTION Final Examination: 60%
Biology of sex; sex ratio; structure of male and female Medium of Instruction:
reproductive system; spermatogenesis; oogenesis; English
folliculogenesis; endocrinology of reproduction; menstrual
cycle and oestrous cycle; fertilization; embryo cleavage; Soft Skills:
foetal development; pregnancy; birth; lactation; infertility CS2, CT3, TS1, LL2
and sterility; technology of reproduction.