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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               Main References:                                 SIK 2001    HUMAN ANATOMY
               1.  Howser  V  (2014).  How  to  Start  a  Post-harvest  Crop
                  Business  (Beginners  Guide),  Volume  1.  USA:  Mic   General  introduction  to  the  the  human  body  including
                  James.                                        anatomical  terminologies  and  an  overview  of  the  human
               2.  Williams J (2013). Agricultural Supply Chains and the   anatomy.  Body  structure  will  be  studied  based  on
                  Challenge of Price Risk. New York: Routledge.   systems.  Form-function  relationships  will  be  emphasized
               3.  Shewfelt  RL  and  Prussia  SE  (2012).  Postharvest   including  on  how  the  human  anatomy  relates  to  that  of
                  Handling:  A  Systems  Approach.  London:  Academic   other  vertebrates.  Practical  components  of  the  course
                  Press.                                        generally  parallels  and  reinforces  lecture  materials
                                                                through  the  use  of  models  as  well  as  skeletal  materials
                                                                and specimen demonstration.
               SIO 3014    AQUACULTURE NUTRITION
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               This course will focus on fish nutrition research and feed   Continuous Assessment:   50%
               development in aquaculture, mechanism of nutrient   Final Examination:    50%
               digestion, protein nutrition and quality, lipid nutrition and
               metabolism, vitamins and mineral requirements and their   Medium of Instruction:
               deficiencies. Role of carbohydrates in fish feeds, energy   English
               metabolism, and dietary value of feeds, digestibility and
               absorption of nutrients in fish will be covered. Alternatives   Soft Skills:
               to fishmeal in fish nutrition and methods of formulation of   CS4, CT3, EM2
               fish feed will also be covered.
                                                                Main References:
               Assessment Methods:                              1.   Kenneth S. Saladin (2008). Human Anatomy 2
               Continuous Assessment:   40%                         Edition. McGraw Hill Publishing
               Final Examinations:    60%                       2.   Seeley R., Stephens, T and Tate, P (2008). Anatomy
                                                                    and Physiology. 8th Edition. McGraw Hill Publishing
               Medium of Instruction:
                                                                SIK 2002    FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH SKILLS IN
               Main References:                                                    BIOHEALTH SCIENCE
                1.  Webster, C.D. and Lim, C.(eds)(2002). Requirements
                  and Feeding of Finfish for Aquaclture. CAB    Techniques   taught   include   basic   lab   practice,
                  Publishing, UK.                               spectrophotometry,   drug   analysis,   chromatography,
                2.  Lim,C., Webster, C.D. (eds.).(2006). Tilapia-Biology,   nucleic acid extraction, electrophoresis, techniques in the
                  Culture and Nutrition. Food Product Press.    field of parasitology, hematology, physiology and nutrition.
                3.  Hertrampf, J.E. and Piedad,-Pascal F.(2000).
                  Handbook on Ingredients for Aquacultural Foods.   Assessment Methods:
                  Kluwer Academic Publisher.                    Continuous Assessment:        100%
                                                                Consisting of;
                                                                Laboratory report            60%
               SIO 3015    CURRENT TOPICS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY       Test                        40%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Series  of  seminars  and  discussions  on  current/selected   English
               topics  on  biotechnology  including  commercialization
               potentials.  Students’  presentation  (individual/group)  on   Soft Skills:
               selected topics on biotechnology.                CS2, CT5, TS4, EM2, LL2

               Assessment Methods:                              Main References:
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                    1.   SIK 2002 Practical Manual

               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          SIK 2003    GENERAL BIOCHEMISTRY

               Soft Skills:                                     Structure  and  physical  characteristic  of  water;    Acid  and
               CS3, CT3, TS2, LS2, EM2, KK1                     base, pH and pK; classification, structure and function of
                                                                carbohydrates  lipids,  amino  acids  and  proteins;  nucleic
               Main References:                                 acids and molecular biology; characteristic of enzyme and
                1.   Hinrich  and Kleinbach  (2002).  Energy:  Its  Use  and   the  regulation  of  enzyme  activity;  the  use  of  enzyme  in
                    the Environment. Brooks/Cole Thomson Learning   industries;  catabolism  and  anabolism  of  carbohydrate,
                                                                fatty acids, amino acids, nucleic acids.

                                                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
                 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BIOHEALTH SCIENCE       Final Examination:   60%
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Career Prospects
               Upon completing the programme, our graduates can work   Soft Skills:
               as scientists, research officers, lecturers or administrative   CS2, CT2, LL2
               officers  in  government  or  private  (local  or  multinational)
               agencies,  non-governmental  organisations  (NGO)  or   Main References:
               international corporations.                      1.   Biochemistry.  Garett  &  Grisham.  2002.  Saunders
                                                                    College  Publishers. Fort Worth/London/Sydney.

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