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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               SIO 1001   BASIC PHYSICS                         Main References:
                                                                1.   Alan,  J.  H.  &  Johnson,  A.  (1997).  Animal
               Introduction to physical concepts present in Biotechnology   Biotechnology and Ethics. Springer-Verlag.
                                                                2.   Renaville,   R.   &   Burny,   A.   (eds).   (2001).
               Assessment Methods:                                  Biotechnology   in   Animal   Husbandry.   Kluwer
               Continuous Assessment:   50%
               Final Examination:      50%                          Academic Publishers.
                                                                3.   Nagabhushanam, R.,  Diwan, A. D., Zahurnec, B. J.
               Medium of Instruction:                               &  Sarojini,  R.  (2004).  Biotechnology  of  Aquatic
               English                                              Animals. Science Publisher: USA.

               Soft Skills:
               CS3, CT3, LL2                                    SIO 2003    HIGHER PLANT PHYSIOLOGY

               Main References:                                 This course cover explaination of how plants function and
               1.   Applied   Physics,   D.Ewen,   N.Schurter,   P.E.   grow.  Includes  metabolism  (photosynthesis,  respiration,
                   Gundersen,  Pearson  Education  International,  9    mineral  nutrition),  water  relations,  gas  exchange,
                   Edition.                                     response  to  environmental  stresses,  growth  and
               2.   Physics:  Principles  and  Applications,  D.C.  Giancoli,   development  in  response  to  environmental  cues  and
                   Pearson Education International, 6th Edition.   biochemical control of growth.
               3.   Physics  for  Scientists  and  Engineers,  S.Jewett,
                   Thomson Learning                             Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
                                                                Final Examination:    60%
               SIO 2001    APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY
                                                                Medium of Instruction:
               Introduction  to  industrial  microorganisms.  Roles  of   English
               bacteria,  alga  and  fungi  for  life  and  the  environment.
               Microbial culture, growth and control. Bioactive agents and   Soft Skills:
               genetic engineering. Applications of microbes in medicine,   CS4, CT3, TS3
               industry, agriculture, waste treatment and biodegradation
               of pollutants. Microbial processes   in production of food,   Main References:
               drinks,   dairy   products   and   bioactive   agents   1.  Davies,  P,  J.  (1995).  Plant  Hormone  Physiology,
               (pharmaceutical and non pharmaceuticals).           Biochemistry   and   Molecular   Biology.   Kluwer
               Assessment Methods:                              2.  Mohr, H. (1995). Plant Physiology. Spring-Verlag.
               Continuous Assessment:    50%                    3.  Raven,  P.H.,  Evert,  R.F.  &  Eichhorn,  S.E.  (2005).
               Final Examination:    50%                           Biology of Plants. (7th ed.) Worth Publishers

               Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          SIO 2004    CELL AND TISSUE CULTURE

               Soft Skills:                                     Regeneration  of  complete  plants  from  various  cells,
               CT3, TS3, EM2                                    tissues  and  organs  from  tissue  culture  systems.  Media
                                                                preparation  and  discussion  of  factors  affecting  cells,
               Main References:                                 tissues  and  organs  growth  and  ultimately  plant
               1.   Madigan,  M.T.,  Martinko,  J.M.  Bender  KS,  Buckley   regeneration.    Meristem  culture  and  production  of
                   DH,   Stahl   DA.   (2014).   Brock   Biology   of   diseases-free  plants.  Various  types  of  cultures.  Clonal
                   Microorganisms. 14  ed. Benjamin Cummings.   propagation,  somatic  embryogenesis.  Production  of
               2.   Baltz RH, Demain AL, Davies JE (ed) (2010). Manual   haploid and triploid plants. Production of secondary plant
                   of  Industrial  Microbiology  and  Biotechnology.3   ed.   metabolites in vitro. Importance and contributions of tissue
                   ASM Press.                                   culture technique.  Cryopreservation. Animal tissue culture
               3.   Black,  J.G  and  Black,  L.J.  (2013).  Microbiology.  8    and biotechnology
                   Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Singapore.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   40%
               SIO 2002    ANIMAL BIOTECHNOLOGY                 Final Examination:    60%

               Definition  and  introduction  of  animal  biotechnology  in   Medium of Instruction:
               general,  with  respect  to  animal  reproductivity,  artificial   English
               insemination  techniques  in  livestock  animal,  sperm
               cryopreservation, production and application of vaccines.   Soft Skills:
                                                                CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2
               Assessment Methods:
               Continuous Assessment:     40%                   Main References:
               Final Examination:      60%                      1.   Rosna  Mat  Taha.  (2004).  Kultur  Tisu  Tumbuhan
                                                                    Berbunga. Penerbit Universiti Malaya.
               Medium of Instruction:                           2.   Lindsey,  K.  Plant  Tissue  Culture  Manual.  (1991).
               English                                              Kluwer Academic Publishers:  Netherlands.
                                                                3.   Pierik, R.L.M. (1987). In vitro culture of Higher Plants.
               Soft Skills:                                         Martinus Nijhoff: Dodrecht.
               CS3, CT3, EM2

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