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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               SIV 3007    INSTRUMENTATION IN BIOLOGICAL        JavaScript,  PHP,  CGI,  Perl,  and  SQL.  Besides  that,  the
                         SCIENCES                               basic  concepts  of  WWW  client-server  communications
                                                                and  the  skills  to  use  the  above  tool  to  create  Web
               This  course  is  going  to  introduce  basic  techniques  and   applications  will  be  also  introduced.  Various  problems
               skills in biological experiments and instrumentation. It will   related  to  Bioinformatics  such  as  query,  search  and
               cover the basic biochemistry, genetics, molecular, physical   retrieve  information  are  considered  to  be  solved  using
               biochemistry experimental techniques to answer biological   internet programming languages.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
               Assessment Methods:                              Continuous Assessment:    60%
               Continuous Assessment:    100%                   Final Examination:    40%

               Medium of Instruction:                           Medium of Instruction:
               English                                          English

               Soft Skills:                                     Soft Skills:
               CT3, TS2                                         CS3, CT3, TS2

               Main References:                                 Main References:
               1.   M.   H.   Fulekar   and   B.   Pandey   (2013).   1.   Scott  Guelich,  Shishir  Gundavaram,  Gunther
                   Bioinstrumentation. K International Publishing House.   Birznieks (2012). CGI Programming with Perl. 2  Ed.
               2.   S.   Bejugam   and   V.   R.   Meka   (2012).   O’Reilly Media.
                   BioInstrumentation:   Tremor   Quantification   and   2.   Mitchell L Model (2013). Bioinformatics Programming
                   Parameter  Extraction.  LAP  LAMBERT  Academic   Using Python. O’Reilly Media.
                   Publishing.                                  3.   Ethan  Cerami  (2013).  XML  for  Bioinformatics.
               3.   G.  Karp  (2013).  Cell  and  Molecular  Biology:   Springer.
                   Concepts and Experiments. Wiley.

                                                                SIV 3010    DATA MINING AND MACHINE LEARNING
                          INFORMATION SYSTEMS                   This  course  introduces  basic  conceptual  elements  of
                                                                machine  learning  and  data  mining  including  data
               This  course  provides  an  introduction  to  the  theory  and   preprocessing   methods,   classification   techniques,
               practice  of  geographic  information  systems  (GIS).  This   supervised   and   unsupervised   learning,   clustering
               course will introduce some of the basic concepts of GIS,   techniques,  evaluation  models  and  applications  of
               input  of  data,  storage  and  management  of  data  and   machine  learning  and  data  mining  in  bioinformatics.
               modelling  output  from  GIS.  Concepts  such  as  how  to   Software  tools  such  as  MATLAB  or  WEKA  will  be
               model  the  complex  real  world  in  a  computer  and  the   introduced and used in solving bioinformatics problems.
               difference between data and geographic data are covered.
               Lectures cover the basics of GIS, vector and raster data   Assessment Methods:
               models,   geographic   data   analysis,   visualisation   Continuous Assessment:    40%
               techniques  and  geographic  overlay.  The  practical   Final Examination:    60%
               sessions  build  basic  skills  in  GIS  such  as  adding,
               visualising,  analysing  and  modelling  data  and  creating   Medium of Instruction:
               effective map layouts.                           English

               Assessment Methods:                              Soft Skills:
               Continuous Assessment:    60%                    CS3, CT3, TS2
               Final Examination:    40%
                                                                Main References:
               Medium of Instruction:                           1.   Jiawei  Han  and  Micheline  Kamber  (2012).  Data
               English                                              Mining:   Concepts   and   Techniques.   Morgan
                                                                    Kaufmann Publishers.
               Soft Skills:                                     2.   Ian H. Witten, Eibe Frank, Mark A. Hall (2011). Data
               CT3, LL2                                             Mining:  Practical  Machine  Learning  Tools  and
                                                                    Techniques. The Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
               Main References:                                 3.   Pang-Ning  Tan,  Michael  Steinbach,  Vipin  Kumar
               1.   Ian   Heywood   ,Sarah   Cornelius   (2011).   An   (2012). Introduction to Data Mining. Addison-Wesley.
                   Introduction to Geographical Information Systems. 4
                   ed. Prentice Hall.
               2.   John R Jensen, Ryan R. Jensen (2013). Introductory   SIV 3012    COMPUTATIONAL  INTELLIGENCE IN
                   Geographic Information Systems. Pearson.               BIOINFORMATICS
               3.   Keith  C.  Clarke  (2011).  Getting  Started  with
                   Geographic  Information  Systems,  5   ed.  Prentice   This  course  introduces  computational  intelligent  (CI)
                   Hall.                                        techniques including artificial neural network,  fuzzy logic,
                                                                genetic  algorithm,  support  vector  machine  and  others.
                                                                Example  of  case  studies  which  applied  CI  in  biological
               SIV 3009    INTERNET PROGRAMMING                 problems  will  be  discussed.  Software  tools  such  as
                                                                MATLAB  will  be  used  to  develop  and  implement  the  CI
               This  course  aims  to  introduce  the  World  Wide  Web   models.
               (WWW),  web  software,  connections  and  hardware,
               introduction  to  internet  programming  and  scripting,   Assessment Methods:
               website maintenance and Web applications. It covers an   Continuous Assessment:    40%
               introduction  to  internet  programming  and  the  languages.   Final Examination:    60%
               Topics  include  HTML,  XHTML,  DHTML,  XML,  CSS,

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