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Faculty of Science Handbook, Session 2019/2020

               SIO 2005    ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES IN             Medium of Instruction:
                          BIOTECHNOLOGY                         English

               An  introduction  to  the  theory  of  basic  laboratory   Soft Skills:
               techniques  in molecular  biology,  with  emphasis  on  basic   CS3, TS2, EM2, CT3
               laboratory  functions  and  techniques.  This  course
               concentrates  on  DNA  structure  and  function  along  with   Main References:
               techniques of DNA analysis, including cloning, restriction   1.   Paul Christou & Harry Klee (2014) Handbook of Plant
               digests, and polymerase chain reaction.              Biotechnology. John Wiley and Sons.
                                                                2.   Brevini, T.A.L. (2014).  Stem Cells in Animal Species:
               Assessment Methods:                                  From Pre-clinic to   Biodiversity.  Humana Press.
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                    3.   Pease,  S.  and  Saunders,  T.L.  (2011).  Advanced
                                                                    Protocols for Animal Transgenesis: An ISTT Manual.
               Medium of Instruction:                               Springer Publication.

               Soft Skills:                                     SIO 2008    BASIC BIOINFORMATICS
               CS3, CT3, TS3, LL2
                                                                Students  will  learn  the  necessity  and  importance  of
               Main References:                                 bioinformatics  for  the  processing  of  molecular  biological
               1.   Skoog DA, West DM, Holler FJ, Crouch SR  (2013)   data, in particular nucleic acid and amino-acid sequences,
                   Fundamentals  of  Analytical  Chemistry.  9 th   ed.   using computational techniques. Students will be given an
                   Cengage Learning.                            overview of the diversity of problems that can be tackled
               2.   Watson JD, Baker TA, Gann A, Levine M, Losick R   with  bioinformatics,  and  they  will  learn  about  basic
                   (2014).  Molecular  Biology  of  the  Gene.  7   Ed.   techniques to solve certain computational problems. Using
                   Pearson.                                     practical exercises, students will learn to extract data from
               3.   Yang NS (ed) (2011). Systems and Computational -   biological  databases  (e.g.  homologous  sequences)  and
                   Molecular  and  Cellular  Experimental  Systems.   analyse these data with specially-developed tools.
                                                                Assessment Methods:
                                                                Continuous Assessment:   100%
               SIO 2006  ORAL COMMUNICATION AND
                        SCIENTIFIC WRITING                      Medium of Instruction:
               Lessons  will  include  learning  the  steps  and  rules  of
               writing, understanding a scientific article and writing other   Soft Skills:
               related  important  documents  pertaining  to  working   CS3, CT3, TS2, EM2, LS2
               requirements.  The  communication  part  will  include  basic
               skills  in  communications,  different  styles  of  speech  such   Main References:
               as public speaking, impromptu speech, prepared speech   1.   Karwetz, S.A & Womble, D.D. (2003). Introduction to
               and debate.                                          Bioinformatics: A Theoretical and Practical Approach.
                                                                    Humana Press.
               Assessment Methods:                              2.   Krane,  D.E.  &  Raymer,  M.L.  (2002).  Fundamental
               Continuous Assessment:   100%                        Concepts of Bioinformatics. Benjamin Cummings.
                                                                3.   Lacroix,  Z.  &  Critchlow,  T.  (2003).  Bioinformatics:
               Medium of Instruction:                               Managing Scientific Data. Kaufmann Publication.

               Soft Skills:                                     SIO 2009    SECONDARY METABOLITES AND
               CS4, CT4, TS2, LS2, EM3                          METABOLOMICS

               Main References:                                 This  course  covers  explanation  of  how  secondary
               1.   Gamble, T.K. & Gamble, M. (2004). Communication   metabolites  are  produced  in  plants  and  what  are  the
                   Works. 10th ed. McGraw-Hill.                 biomedical applications in human health. This course will
               2.   McMillan,  V.E.  (1997).  Writing  Papers  in  the   also  describe  the  biosynthesis  of  specific  secondary
                   Biological Sciences.  Bedford Books: Boston.   metabolites and improvement processes via callus culture,
               3.   Shirley,  T.  (2000).  Essential  Communication  Skills.   cell suspension culture, hairy root culture, etc. Biotic and
                   Longman: New York.                           abiotic  stress  factors  in  the  secondary  metabolite
                                                                production will also be covered.

               SIO 2007     MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETIIC      Assessment Methods:
                                   ENGINEERING                  Continuous Assessment:    40%
                                                                Final Examination:      60%
               The  course  include  the    principles,  systems  and
               techniques that can be used in the genetics engineering of    Medium of Instruction:
               microrganisms, plants and animals as well as methods of   English
               gene  transfer.  The  lecture  also  discussed  in  depth  the
               specific  examples  on  how  the  technology  being  used.  It   Soft Skills:
               also   discuss   generally   on   the   advantage   and   CS4, CT3, TS3
               disadvantages of genetic engineering.
                                                                Main References:
               Assessment Methods:                              1.  Secondary  Metabolism  (2012).  2   Edition.  J.  Mann.
               Continuous Assessment:    50%                       Oxford University Press.
               Final Examination:      50%

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