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34                                     BACHELOR OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT SCIENCE  2020/2021 ACADEMIC SESSION

                Course Code                VIA1003
                Course Title               Basic Principles of Economy and Finance
                Credit                     3
                Medium of Instruction      English, Malay
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   None
                Course Learning Outcomes   At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.   Understand basic economic principles and multiple activities and financial system
                                           2.   Compare principles and structures among those that are available in the economic
                                               and financial systems in Malaysia
                                           3.   Evaluate various aspects of basic economy and finance
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This  course  exposes  students  to  the  concepts  and  methods  found  in  the  conventional
                                           systems of current economy and finance. Discussions on the symbiotic relationship between
                                           these two subjects will be deeply focused on current issues in local sport.
                Main Reference             1.   Mankiw, N. (2010). Principles of Economics. Stanford, CT; Cengage Learning
                                           2.   Sowell, T. (2011). Basic Economics. New York. NY’ Basic Books.
                                           3.   Besley, S & Brigham, E. (2012). Principles of Finance. Stanford, CT; Cengage
                                           4.   Keown, A., Martin, J. & Petty, J. (2013). Foundations of Finance 8th Edition. London;
                                               Upper Saddle River, N.J.; Prentice Hall,
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment    : 60%
                                           Final Examination      : 40%
                Soft Skills                Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1
                                           Team Work Skills: TS1-TS2
                                           Professional Ethics and Moral : EM1-EM2

                Course Code                VIA1004
                Course Title               Sport Sociology
                Credit                     3
                Medium of Instruction      English, Malay
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   None
                Course Learning Outcomes   At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.   Discuss the concepts in sports and factors which influence sport participation.
                                           2.   Identify how sport has contributed to society.
                                           3.   Discuss the issues and future of sport in society.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This course assesses sport in the society and discusses socio-cultural issues such as equity.
                                           The topics of discussion will revolve around issues related to structures, functions and sport
                                           organizations in modern Malaysian society.
                Main Reference             1.   Coakley, J. (2012). Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies. New York: McGraw
                                           2.   Khoo, S. (2005). Sport for All in Malaysia: Policy and Practice. Kuala Lumpur:
                                               University Malaya Press.
                                           3.   Woods, R. B. (2010). Social Issues in Sport. Champaign: Human Kinetics.
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment    : 60%
                                           Final Examination      : 40%
                Soft Skills                Communication Skills: CS1-CS3
                                           Team Work Skills: TS1-TS2
                                           Life Long Learning and Information Management: LL1, LL2
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