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35                                     BACHELOR OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT SCIENCE  2020/2021 ACADEMIC SESSION

                Course Code                VIA2001
                Course Title               Research Methodology In Sport Management
                Credit                     3
                Medium of Instruction      English, Malay
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   None
                Course Learning Outcomes   At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.   Explain the methods used in research.
                                           2.   Analyse Sport Management research found in the literature.
                                           3.   Develop a research proposal.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This course exposes students to research process including identifying problem statements,
                                           collecting relevant information from previous related studies, understanding data collection
                                           and analysis techniques, and discussing research outcomes as well as making research
                                           conclusions. Relevant research articles will be used as point of reference. At the end of the
                                           course, students will present their individual research proposals to solve a specific sport
                                           management issue in Malaysia.
                Main Reference             1.   Sparkes (2012). Telling Tales in Physical Education and Sport: A Qualitative Journey.
                                               Kindle Books UK
                                           2.   Gratton & Jones (2014). Research Methods for Sport Studies. Routledge, London
                                           3.   Thomas (2010). Research Methods in PE. Human Kinetics. Champaign
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment    : 60%
                                           Final Examination      : 40%
                Soft Skills                Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1-CT3
                                           Life Long Learning and Information Management: LL1-LL2

                Course Code                VIA2002
                Course Title               Human Resource Management in Sport
                Credit                     3
                Medium of Instruction      English, Malay
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   None
                Course Learning Outcomes   At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.   Discuss the human resource management model and its application in sport.
                                           2.   Identify factors which influence human resource management practice in sport.
                                           3.   Discuss current sports issues from the human resource management perspective.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   In the early stage of the course, students will be given an understanding of sport product
                                           characteristics that distinguish themselves from other business products. Students will also
                                           be exposed to suitable competencies that are necessary in the human resources who work
                                           in the sport industry. This course will also discuss aspects of human resource management
                                           that  need  to  be  understood  by  every  sport  manager  such  as  job  evaluation,  training,
                                           compensation  and  rewards,  industrial  relations  and  so  on.  The  discussion  will  refer  to
                                           problems typically faced by employees who work in sport organizations. Current sport issues
                                           will be the main focus of discussions.
                Main Reference             1.   Byars, L. & Rue, L. (2010). Human Resource Management. 9  Ed. Boston: Irwin.
                                           2.   Chelladurai, P. (2011). Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation. 2  ed.
                                               Champaign, Ill. Human Kinetics
                                           3.   McShane S.L. & Von Glinow. (2013). Organizational Behaviour. Boston. McGraw-Hill
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment    : 60%
                                           Final Examination      : 40%
                Soft Skills                Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1-CT3
                                           Life Long Learning and Information Management: LL1-LL2
                                           Professional Ethics and Moral: EM1-EM2
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