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38                                     BACHELOR OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT SCIENCE  2020/2021 ACADEMIC SESSION

                Course Code                VIA2007
                Course Title               Qualitative Research Project In Sport Management
                Credit                     4
                Medium of Instruction      English, Malay
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   VIA2001 Research Methodology in Sport Management
                Course Learning Outcomes   At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.   Discuss issues related to Sport Management research.
                                           2.   Prepare a research proposal.
                                           3.   Conduct a simple research project.
                                           4.   Explain research findings intellectually.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   Building  on  the  foundation  course,  this  course  allows  the  students  to conduct  their  own
                                           research in Sport Management using qualitative approach. The students are expected to be
                                           able to convey the information and data gathered from the research process in a systematic
                                           and  concise  manner,  both  orally  (through  a  viva  voce-like  presentation)  and  in  writing
                                           (through scholarly write-ups).
                Main Reference             1.   Silverman (2013). Doing Qualitative Research. Sage: London
                                           2.   Flick (2006). An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Sage: London
                                           3.   Gratton & Jones (2004). Research Methods for Sport Studies. Routledge, London
                                           4.   Thomas (2010). Research Methods in PE. Human Kinetics. Champaign.
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment    : 60%
                                           Final Examination      : 40%
                Soft Skills                Communication Skills (CS1-CS4)
                                           Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1, CT2, CT3
                                           Team Work Skills: TS1-TS2
                                           Life Long Learning and Information Management: LL1, LL2

                Course Code                VIA3001
                Course Title               Sport Facilities and Equipment Management
                Credit                     3
                Medium of Instruction      English, Malay
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   None
                Course Learning Outcomes   At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.   Explain  the  importance  of  planning,  managing  and  maintaining  sports  facilities  and
                                           2.   Identify problems and challenges in managing sports facilities and equipment.
                                           3.   Apply the knowledge by designing management guidelines and procedures for selected
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This course begins with the history of sport facilities and the beginning of modern sport
                                           facilities in this country. Next is the understanding of planning, dimensional development,
                                           sport  facility  spacing  and  allocations  for  sport  facility  users.  Managers’  roles  on  how  to
                                           manage and implement sport programs will also be reviewed. This course will end by looking
                                           into  basic maintenance  of  sport facilities such  as multiple  types  of  playing  surfaces  and
                                           existing swimming pools.
                Main Reference             1.   Shields, A. & Wright, M. (2010) ARENA: A planning, design & management guide
                                           2.   Geraint, J., & Sheard, R. (2011) STADIA : A design & development guide
                                           3.   Fried, G. (2005) Managing Sports Facilities
                                           4.   Defence Estate Org. (2012) External sports & recreational facilities
                                           5.   Walker, M. L. & Seidler, T. L. (2009) Sports equipment management
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment    : 60%
                                           Final Examination      : 40%
                Soft Skills                Communication Skills: CS1-CS3
                                           Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1, CT2, CT3
                                           Professional Ethics and Moral: EM1, EM2
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