P. 48
Course Code VIA3002
Course Title Sport Finance Management
Credit 3
Medium of Instruction English, Malay
Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum None
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
1. Apply sports financial principles and fundamental sports finance theories in managing
sports accounts.
2. Apply sports financial analysis techniques in making decisions.
3. Discuss contemporary sports financial issues within the context of sports management
in general.
Synopsis of Course Contents This course exposes students to the features of financial system in the operation of sport
organizations. Methods and current practices of financial system in the sport organizations
and programs will be thoroughly discussed in class. Students will also gain additional
knowledge, understanding and financial management practice through a project assigned to
Main Reference 1. Brown et al (2010) Financial Management in the Sport Industry, Holcomb Hathaway.
2. Fried et al (2007). Sport Finance: 2nd Edition. Human Kinetics. Champaign.III
3. Dennis R.H. & John L.C (2014). Financing Sport: 2nd edition. Fitness Information
Technology, Inc.
4. Gallagher et al(2010). Financial Management – Principles and Practice 2nd Edition.
Prentice Hall.
5. Fulks D. (2000), Revenues and Expenses of Athletics Programs Indianapolis, IN: The
National Collegiate Athletic Association
Assessment Weightage Continuous Assessment : 60%
Final Examination : 40%
Soft Skills Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1, CT2, CT3
Life Long Learning and Information Management: LL1, LL2
Professional Ethics and Moral: EM1, EM3
Course Code VIA3003
Course Title Sport Law
Credit 3
Medium of Instruction English, Malay
Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum None
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:-
1. Identify principles of law that are used in the sport management context.
2. Clarify law systems in the sport management context
3. Relate the knowledge of principles of law to specific sport situations
Synopsis of Course Contents This course introduces students to the law system in Malaysia and assist students to search
for sport domain in the said law system. The priciples of law that are applied in specific sport
situations will be discussed in the law aspects such contract law and tort law. Sport law
cases from within and outside Malaysia will also be discussed in the classroom.
Main Reference 1. Champion, W. (2011). Sports Law in a Nutshell 4th Edition. Thomson Reuters; St.
Paul, MN.
2. Wong, G. (2010). Essentials of Sport Law 4th Edition.Praeger; Santa Barbara, CA.
3. Ahmad Ibrahim & Ahilemah Joned (2005). Sistem undang-undang di Malaysia. Edisi
ke-2, Kuala Lumpur: DBP
4. Contract Act 1950, Sports Development Act 1997
Assessment Weightage Continuous Assessment : 60%
Final Examination : 40%
Soft Skills Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1, CT2, CT3
Life Long Learning and Information Management: LL1, LL2
Professional Ethics and Moral: EM1, EM2