P. 46
Course Code VIA2005
Course Title Risk Management In Sport
Credit 3
Medium of Instruction English, Malay
Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum None
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:-
1. Clarify various approaches of risk management theories in sport and recreation
2. Explain knowledge related to concepts and risk management process namely
identifying, evaluating, selecting, and implementing the right rectifying strategy
3. Apply the understanding of risk management in a different environment such as sport
Synopsis of Course Contents This course deals with risk management in the context of sport management. This includes
a discussion of the risk management matrix as related to sport organizations. Issues of
liability and negligence from sport law aspects are also discussed.
Main Reference 1. Appenzeller, H. (2012). Risk Management in Sports: Issues and Strategies. Carolina
Academic Press, USA.
2. Attarian, A. (2012). Risk Management in Outdoor and Adventure Programs:
Scenarios of Accidents, Incidents, and Misadventures. Human Kinetics, Champaign,
Assessment Weightage Continuous Assessment : 60%
Final Examination : 40%
Soft Skills Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1, CT2, CT3
Team Work Skills: TS1-TS2
Life Long Learning and Information Management: LL1, LL2
Course Code VIA2006
Course Title Sport Marketing
Credit 3
Medium of Instruction English, Malay
Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum VIA2003 Sport Economy
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
1. Appraise the role of sports marketing
2. Apply the theories of sports marketing in managing sport
3. Plan an effective sport marketing programme
Synopsis of Course Contents This course exposes sport marketing theories and principles to students. They will be trained
to apply sport marketing theories that are relevant to various sport products. They will also
discuss skills that are required in order to be successful sport marketers
Main Reference 1. Fullerton, S. (2010) Sports Marketing (Textbook)
2. Pitts, B. G., & Stotlar, D. K. (2nd Edition) Fundamental of Sports Marketing
3. Kotler, P. (2nd Edition) Marketing Management
4. Mullins (2012) Fundamentals of Sport Marketing
Assessment Weightage Continuous Assessment : 60%
Final Examination : 40%
Soft Skills Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1, CT2, CT3
Entrepreneurial Skills: KK1, KK2
Professional Ethics and Moral: EM1-EM3