P. 58
Course Code VIA3014
Course Title Introduction to Sport Media
Credit 3
Medium of Instruction English, Malay
Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum None
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
1. Evaluate the role of media and public relations in sports journalism.
2. Apply basic theories and principles of public relations in sports management.
3. Plan sports media and public relations assignments.
Synopsis of Course Contents Students will be introduced to the theories of media and public relations. They will be able
to evaluate theories related to local sport context. Roles and responsibilities of media director
will also be discussed.
Main Reference 1. Schulz (2010). Reporting, Producing, and Planning. Focal Press. Oxford
2. Rowe (2014). Sports Culture & Media. Open University Press. London
3. Kennedy, E.& Hills, L. (2011). Sport, Media and Society
Assessment Weightage Continuous Assessment : 60%
Final Examination : 40%
Soft Skills Team Work Skills: TS1-TS2
Life Long Learning and Information Management: LL1-LL2
Leadership Skills: LS1-LS2
Course Code VIA3015
Course Title Sport Policy and Governance
Credit 3
Medium of Instruction English, Malay
Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum None
Course Learning Outcomes At the end of the course, students are able to:
1. Explain the principles of good governance and its importance in sports organisations.
2. Describe how to manage conflicts in organisations as well as dispute resolution
methods in sports.
3. Apply knowledge learnt into drafting a specific sports policy, based on a given
Synopsis of Course Contents This course will focus on Sport policies and governance. Organizational structure, roles and
responsibilities of sport administrators will be introduced to students. Students will be guided
in the process of developing sport policies, and its application in different sport arenas.
Second, students will discuss problems related to conflicts, arbitration and mediation in sport
(e.g., organization’s responsibilities and athletes’ right).
Main Reference 1. Hums, M.A & Maclean J.C (2014). Governance and policy development in sport
organisation. H. Hathaway
2. Kluka et al (2013). Sport governance (perspectives). Meyer & Meyer
3. Hylton, K et al (2011). Sports development: Policy, process and practice. Routledge
4. Mitten et al (2005). Sports law and regulation: Cases, materials and problems. Kluwer
Law International
5. Siekmann, R (2011). Arbitral and disciplinary rules of international sports
organisation. Springer
6. Blackshaw (2006). The Court of Arbitration for Sports: 1984 – 2004. T.M.C Asser
Assessment Weightage Continuous Assessment : 60%
Final Examination : 40%
Soft Skills Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1- CT3
Professional Ethics and Moral: EM1-EM2