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47                                     BACHELOR OF SPORTS MANAGEMENT SCIENCE  2020/2021 ACADEMIC SESSION

                Course Code                VIA3010
                Course Title               Sport Technology and Information Management
                Credit                     3
                Medium of Instruction      English, Malay
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   None
                Course Learning Outcomes   At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.   Evaluate the importance of information technology management in sport.
                                           2.   Apply information technology management in managing sport.
                                           3.   Demonstrate the ability to manage sports information utilizing the latest technology.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   This course introduces management of sport information and the application of information
                                           technology specific situations. Students will be able to evaluate various types of information
                                           technology that are suitable to be applied in sport.
                Main Reference             1.   Rosandich (2010). Information Technology for Sports Management. The Sport
                                               Journal. Vol. 4 No. 2
                                           2.   Parks et al (2013). Contemporary Sports Management. Human Kinetic. Champaign.
                                           3.   Rowe (2014). Sports, Culture & Media. McGraw-Hill. London
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment    : 60%
                                           Final Examination      : 40%
                Soft Skills                Communication Skills: CS1-CS4
                                           Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1, CT3
                                           Team Work Skills: TS1-TS2
                                           Professional Ethics and Moral: EM1-EM2

                Course Code                VIA3011
                Course Title               Sport Tourism
                Credit                     3
                Medium of Instruction      English, Malay
                Course Pre-requisite(s)/ Minimum   None
                Course Learning Outcomes   At the end of the course, students are able to:
                                           1.   Describe concepts associated with tourism and sport tourism.
                                           2.   Identify factors which influence the development of the sport tourism industry.
                                           3.   Analyze the development of the sport tourism industry in Malaysia.
                                           4.   Discuss past research and potential research in sport tourism.
                Synopsis of Course Contents   Students will learn important aspects of sport tourism Discussions will refer to sport tourism
                                           events that are organized within and outside the country. Students will also be exposed to
                                           the process of carrying out research in sport tourism.
                Main Reference             1.   Standeven. J. & De Knop, P. (2010) Sports Tourism: Human Kinetics Publishers.
                                           2.   Hinch, T., & Higham, J.E.S. (2011) Sport Tourism Development, Bristol: Channel
                                               View Publications.
                                           3.   Weed M., & Bull, C. (2010) Sports Tourism: Participants, Policy and Providers,
                                               Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.
                Assessment Weightage       Continuous Assessment    : 60%
                                           Final Examination      : 40%
                Soft Skills                Communication Skills:(CS1-CS3
                                           Critical Thinking and Problem-solving Skills: CT1, CT2
                                           Team Work Skills: TS1
                                           Life Long Learning and Information Management: LL1-LL2
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