Page 39 - University Malaya Rules and Regulations 2017
P. 39

(C )   is  in  the  service  of  another  institution  of  higher
                                                   learning  of  similar  standing  or  is  practising  in  a
                                                   discipline relevant to the programme of study.

                                     (v)    An  Emeritus  or  Adjunct  Professor  that  is  appointed  by
                                            University  of  Malaya  may  not  be  appointed  as  a
                                            Programme External Assessor.

                              (c)    Period of appointment

                                     The period of appointment of a Programme External Assessor is
                                     four (4) academic sessions.

               5.      EXAMINATION

                       (1)    Permission to Sit for Examination

                              (a)    A student shall bring his Identification Card/Passport and student
                                     registration card for the purpose of verification of identity to enable
                                     him to sit for the final examination of a registered course.

                              (b)    A student can be barred from sitting for the final examination of
                                     his course by the Dean of the Faculty  of the programme of study
                                     for reasons  that are determined  by  the  Faculty.  The  Faculty  is
                                     responsible to inform the student  reasons that may cause him to
                                     be barred from sitting for the examination not later than the third
                                     lecture week.

                                     If  a  student  is  to  be  barred  from  sitting  for  his  final  semester
                                     examination  of a  course,  the  Dean of  Faculty  concerned must
                                     inform the student concerned in writing not later than the twelfth
                                     lecture week for the Normal Semester and fifth lecture week for
                                     the Special Semester. The student is given a period of one week
                                     from the date of the  said letter to submit an appeal on reasonable
                                     grounds.  The  Dean  of  the  Faculty  may,  withdraw  the  notice
                                     barring  the  student  from  sitting  for  the  examination.  A  final
                                     decision on the appeal must be made by the Dean of the Faculty
                                     not later than the fourteenth lecture week of the Normal Semester
                                     or seventh lecture week of the Special Semester.

                              (c)     A  student  that  is  barred  from  sitting  for  his  final  semester
                                     examination of a course shall be deemed to have failed in the
                                     examination component for the course concerned.

                       (2)    Method of Course Assessment

                              (a)    The  method  of  assessment  of  any  course  depends  on  the
                                     learning  outcomes  and  content  of  the  course.  The  ratio  of
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