Page 40 - University Malaya Rules and Regulations 2017
P. 40
contribution and weightage of the assessment in the total final
marks shall be determined by the Faculty and approved by the
Senate, for example 40% continuous assessment, 60% final
examination or 50% continuous assessment, 50% final
examination. For the purposes of these Regulations, continuous
assessment includes written test, oral test, practical or practicum
assessment, assignments, projects, quizzes and any other
method as determined by the Faculty.
(b) Courses in the form of a practical or project such as Industrial
Training, Academic Project or Teaching Practicum may be
assessed 100% based on continuous assessment throughout the
duration of the training, without examination.
(c) A student shall be informed of the results of the continuous
assessment component for each course. The announcement
shall be made as soon as possible immediately after the
assessment of the component concerned but no later than the
fifteenth lecture week of the Normal Semester or the seventh
lecture week of the Special Semester.
(3) Grading Scheme
(a) The official University grades including the marks and their
meaning are as follows:
Marks Grade Grade Point Meaning
90-100 A+ 4.00 High Distinction
80-89 A 4.00 Distinction
75-79 A- 3.70 Distinction
70-74 B+ 3.30 Good
65-69 B 3.00 Good
60-64 B- 2.70 Good
55-59 C+ 2.30 Pass
50-54 C 2.00 Pass
45-49 C- 1.70 Fail
40-44 D+ 1.30 Fail
35-39 D 1.00 Fail
00-34 F 0.00 Fail
(b) All courses shall be assessed using grade A+ until F.
(c) The passing grade for all courses is a grade C.
(d) Apart from the grades as stated in paragraph (a) above, the
following grades may be given to a student for any course
attended by him:
(i) (A) Grade I maybe given when: