Page 283 - FASS Undergraduate Prospectus 2023-2024
P. 283
Sinopsis Kursus Elektif
Elective Courses Synopsis
Sejarah Indonesia, 1900-1966
History of Indonesia, 1900-1966
Kursus ini memberi tumpuan kepada perjalanan sejarah Indonesia sejak tahun 1900 sehingga 1966. Tema-tema utama ialah perubahan
Dasar Etika dan kesannya ke atas perkembangan nasionalisme Indonesia, faktor-faktor perkembangan nasionalisme Indonesia,
pendudukan Jepun dan kesannya ke atas Indonesia, perkembangan politik Indonesia selepas Perang Dunia Kedua, proses dan rundingan
penyerahan kedaulatan,era demokrasi liberal dan demokrasi terpimpin. Perbincangan kursus diakhiri dengan peristiwa GESTAPU pada
tahun 1965.
This course focuses on the course of Indonesian history from 1900 to 1966. The main themes are the change in the Ethics Policy and its
impact on the development of Indonesian nationalism, the factors of the rise of Indonesian nationalism, the Japanese occupation and its
impact on Indonesia, the development of post-war Indonesian politics, the process and negotiations of the transfer of sovereignty, the era
of liberal democracy and guided democracy. The course discussion ends with the GESTAPU event in 1965.
Perubahan Sosial di Malaysia
Social Change in Malaysia
Kursus ini akan membincangkan kehidupan masyarakat Malaysia di era sebelum pentadbiran kolonial. Perbincangan akan difokuskan
terhadap isu-isu seperti pola- pola penempatan baru serta kemunculan bandarbandar moden dan impaknya kepada penempatan
tradisional. Perbincangan juga akan memberikan perhatian terhadap perkembangan infrastruktur sebelum dan semasa pentadbiran
kolonial. Kursus ini juga turut mengupas topik-topik seperti dasar kebajikan terhadap masyarakat, perubahan kehidupan masyarakat di
tahun 1920-an dan 1930-an, kemunculan teknologi baru dalam aspek seperti kenderaan bermotor, percetakan dan pemakanan.
This course will discuss the condition of the Malaysian society before the era of the colonial administration. After that, further discussion
will focus on the pattern of the new settlements, the emergence of the new towns and its impact on the traditional settlements. The
discussion also will emphasize the development of infrastructure before and during the colonial administration. Among other topics that
will be discussed are welfare policy towards living society, the changes in the life condition of the society in the 1920s and 1930s, the
emergence of modern technology in motor vehicles, printing and food production.
Sejarah dan Peradaban Islam
History and Islamic Civilization
Kursus ini memberi pendedahan tentang perkembangan sejarah Islam sejak dari awal kedatangan Islam di Tanah Arab sehingga zama
kerajaan Uthmaniyyah. Fokus juga akan diberikan terhadap zaman kegemilangan Islam apabila penjelajahan dilakukan ke atas Afrika
Utara, Sepanyol, China, India, Eropah dan sebagainya. Di samping itu, pembangunan Islam dari sudut ekonomi dan sosial serta
hubungan luar selain pengaruh dan kesan Islam terhadap masyarakat global akan turut diberi tumpuan.
This course provides an overview of the historical development of Islam since the early arrival of Islam in Arabia until the early time of the
Ottoman empire. Focus will also be given to the golden age of Islam, when exploration was conducted on North Africa, Spain, China,
India, Europe and so on. In addition, the development of Islam in terms of economic and social development and foreign relations as well
as the influence and impact of Islam on the global community will also be emphasized.