Page 26 - Accreditation Manual for Program Owner -300424
P. 26

Accreditation Manual for Program Owner

                                  To write                      Evidence/Appendix                   P  F   R
             1.1.2                1)  Briefly explain how the needs   4)  Evidence indicating interest of potential  √  √  √

             Must have needs        analysis is conducted.         candidates to join this programme
             analysis (show the   2)  Table summarizing the potential   through ODL mode: (Online survey of
             demand for this        demand of this programme.      potential candidates and/or potential
             programme)             a)  Shows that the potential   candidates respond during open day
                                       students are interested to join   and/or exhibition and/or other relevant
                                       this programme              information)
                                    b)  Employers are interested to   5)  Evidence indicating interest of potential  √  √  √
                                       hire the graduates          employer to hire the graduates: (Online
                                    c)  Demand by government       survey of potential employers and/or
                                  3)  Briefly explain the niche of this   minutes of focus group discussion and/
                                    programme.                     or other evidences)
                                                                6)  Survey or data extracted from other   √  √  √
                                                                   studies on potential employment (in
                                                                   the government or private sector)
                                                                   for graduates: type of jobs and the
                                                                   corresponding numbers of workers
                                                                7)  Report on Benchmarking with other   √  √  √
                                                                   similar programs (to indicate the niche
                                                                   for this programme in the country)

            Compulsory guided Tables. (The Table numbering can be changed)

            Table A1: Mapping of the PEO to the Vision, Mission and educational goals of the University

             Vision                Mission                Educational goals      PEO

            Table A2: Mapping of PLO to PEO, MQF and Programme standards

             PLO                                                             PEO      MQF     Programme
             1: Synthesise knowledge in the field of XYZ                     PEO1     CLS1    PLO1
             2. Generate solutions to problems using scientific skills       PEO1     CLS2    PLO2
             3                                                               PEO2
             4                                                               PEO3

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