Page 29 - Accreditation Manual for Program Owner -300424
P. 29
Guidelines for Preparing and Submission of the Programme Accreditation Report
To write Evidence/Appendix P F R
1.2.3 Must consult the stakeholders, Table A3 on the meeting with 1) Minutes of meeting with √ √ √
including education experts. the stakeholders stakeholders (Alumni, industry
etc) on the curriculum.
2) Minutes of meeting with √ √ √
educational experts on
curriculum development.
3) Minutes of meeting with
ODL experts on curriculum √ √ √
development/ Training from
ODL experts
1.2.5 Must have appropriate learning and Table A5 showing the 4) Table showing constructive √ √ √
teaching methods. mapping of the courses to alignment PLO-CLO-Teaching-
i) must establish a mechanism/ the teaching and learning Assessment. This is produced
system where all forms of methods from the consolidation of Form
interaction and delivery are Table A6 showing appropriate 3 into a single form where the
integrated. teaching and learning CLOs are grouped into PLO.
ii) must involve the provision of methods to achieve the PLO. (Note: Although Table, it is
appropriate self- instructional Briefly explain how the placed as evidence as this will
materials (SIM) for self-directed interaction and delivery are be used in Area 2 as well)
learners. integrated 5) Letter/ minutes appointing √ √ √
iii) must be a unit or section a unit to incharge of SIM
devoted to the design and Briefly explain the provision development
development of SIM. of appropriate SIM 6) Evidence showing the unit √ √ √
iv) must provide an electronic/ Briefly explain the unit and involvement in the design
online learning platform to the task being done but the and development of the SIM.
conduct learning and teaching unit in SIM development. Timeline of development.
v) must decide on the nature of Briefly explain how the 7) Completed SIM of the courses √ √ √
content is developed. :
interaction between learners adopting existing materials; (Provisional: SEM 1, Full or
and instructors which may be adapting existing materials; reaccreditation: ALL)
synchronous or asynchronous or creating original materials;
or a combination of both. or any other appropriate
However, the scheduled face-to- approaches
face sessions must be carried
out synchronously which can Briefly explain the online
be physically or electronically learning platform.
mediated. Briefly explain the nature
of interaction between the
learner and instructor.
Compulsory guided Tables. (The Table numbering can be changed)
Table A3: Stakeholders consultation
Stakeholders Consultation method Purpose Frequency Evidences
Alumni Meeting Suggestion for improvement on Once a year Attachment 5a
curriculum based on current trends.
Survey PEO achievement. Once every 2 or 3 Attachment 5C
Current job market trends years