Page 45 - Accreditation Manual for Program Owner -300424
P. 45

Guidelines for Preparing and Submission of the Programme Accreditation Report

            3.5   Alumni

             3.5.1 The department must foster active linkages with alumni to develop, review and continually improve the

             Sub standard         To write              Evidence/Appendix                P      F     R
             3.5.1 Must foster active   Table listing activities   1)  Evidence of the Database of the   √  √
             linkages with alumni   for the past 3 years   alumni (if available) (Can be
             to develop, review and   (Excluding CR related   screenshot or report or whatever
             continually improve the   activities) that involved   evidence)
             programme.           the alumni with the   2)  Evidences of alumni activities      √     √
                                  following columns: Year/   (Pictures, minutes etc)
                                  Date/ Name of activity/
                                  Purpose/ number of
                                  alumni present
                                  Table listing of CR related
                                  activities that involved the   3)  Evidence of alumni involvement in   √  √
                                  alumni with the following   curriculum review (Minutes, Surveys
                                  columns: Date/ Type of   etc)
                                  activity (survey, Meeting,
                                  etc) / Purpose/ number
                                  of alumni involved



             3.5.1 The department must foster active linkages with alumni to develop, review and  3.5.1
                 continuously improve the programme.

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