Page 53 - Accreditation Manual for Program Owner -300424
P. 53
Guidelines for Preparing and Submission of the Programme Accreditation Report
To write Evidence/Appendix P F R
5.1.2 Must have Table on the physical facilities, virtual 2) Snapshots/Pictures of the physical √ √ √
sufficient and facilities and educational resources. facilities, virtual facilities and
appropriate physical Note: the actual facilities being used by educational resources
and virtual facilities the student of the programme, should 3) Snapshot/ pictures on licensing of
(electronic learning be highlighted. software
platform) and 4) Evidence of compliance or audit
educational resource checking (E.g. Email, stickers, reports,
5.1.4 Must comply etc)
with the relevant
laws, regulations and
5.1.3 Must have Briefly explain the ability of the LMS 5) Screenshot of the LMS system. √ √ √
appropriate LMS from the following perspective
to facilitate ODL a) upload/ download eContents .
programme delivery. b) Collaborative learning (E.g.
c) Assessment tool.
d) Plug ins to customize the LMS
e) integration with other system
(e.g. Digital library.)
f) Data analytics to check student
5.2 Research and Development
5.2.1 The department must have a research policy with adequate facilities and resources to sustain it
5.2.2 The interaction between research and learning must be reflected in the curriculum, influence current
teaching, and encourage and prepare students for engagement in research, scholarship and development.
5.2.3 The department must periodically review its research resources and facilities, and take appropriate action to
enhance its research capabilities and to promote a conducive research environment.
To write Evidence/Appendix P F R
5.2.1 Must have List of allocation of budget 1) Research Policy √ √ √
research policy with List of research facilities 2) Picture of the research √ √ √
adequate facilities and facilities
resources. Table in explaining research activities with
information such as number of academic staff 3) Evidences of research grants √ √ √
members who are principal investigators, the that has been received. (Can
value of research grants, and the priority areas be screenshot from the RGMS
for research etc or letters from sponsors or
other evidences)
5.2.2 Must show List of research that has impacted the 4) Evidences such as (screen shot √ √
interaction between curriculum with detail information such as of spectrum where the method
research and learning title of the research, staff involved etc and is implemented, feedback from
in the curriculum. justification how it impacted the curriculum. students, minutes of meetings,
grant letter, etc)
5.2.3 Must periodically Table in monitoring the resources and facilities 5) Minutes of meeting on √ √
review research such as date, person in-charge etc the review of the research
resources and facilities. resources and facilities as
well as the CQI that has been
carried out