Page 33 - University Malaya Rules and Regulations 2017
P. 33

(c)    For the Seven Semester System and the Eight Semester System
                                     except the education programme, a student may be permitted to
                                     complete his studies and graduate one semester earlier than the
                                     minimum duration provided that the student fulfills the total credit
                                     requirements for his programme of study and the requirements of
                                     the professional body.

                              (d)    Notwithstanding  the  provisions  of  paragraph  (c)  above,  any
                                     student  whose  application  for  a  transfer  of  credit  has  been
                                     approved, may complete his studies and graduate earlier than the
                                     minimum duration of study, that is,

                                     (i)    five  semesters  for  students  under  the  Six  Semester
                                            System and Seven Semester System; or

                                     (ii)   six  semesters  for  students  under  the  Eight  Semester

                                     The provisions of this paragraph are subject to the requirement
                                     that  the  student  fulfills  the  total  credit  requirements  of  his
                                     programme  of  study  except  the  education  programme  and  is
                                     otherwise prescribed by a professional body.

                       (3)    Offer and Course Completion

                              (a)    The calculation of credit for any course  is based on the actual
                                     student  learning  time  comprising  of  all  teaching  and  learning
                                     activities  that  are  required  to  achieve  the  prescribed  learning
                                     course  outcomes.    Credit  value for each  course  is determined
                                     based  on  the  calculation  where  40  notional  learning  hours  is
                                     equivalent to 1 credit.

                              (b)    Courses  on  offer  for  any  semester  will  be  determined  by  the

                              (c)    The offer of a new course can only be made upon obtaining the
                                     approval of the Senate.

                              (d)    Any  amendments  to  the  Code,  Title,  Credit,  Student  Learning
                                     Time, Course Learning Outcome and Assessment Weightage for
                                     existing  courses  can  only  be  implemented  after  obtaining  the
                                     approval of the Senate.

                              (e)    Any offer and amendment to any course made retrospectively is
                                     not allowed.

                              (f)    Every  course  offered  shall  be  conducted,  completed  and
                                     assessed within one semester. Only certain courses which have
                                     obtained prior approval from the Senate shall be permitted to be
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